Pink eggs?


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Southeast Alabama
Does anyone have chickens that lay true pink eggs? What kind are they? I have heard of this, but have not seen any. If you do, do you have pictures of them? I have a mixed pen that I want to use for laying colorful eggs. So far I have the basic white, brown, and green egg layers in my pen. I also have some chicks that should grow up to lay olive colored eggs.
So now I am interested in finding some pink egg layers or other unique colors.
I have 25 EEs coming within the next couple of days from MPC. They were supposed to be mailed today. I assumed they would all lay green eggs, though. It would be nice if some would be pink or a different color. I took advantage of their offer for 25 EEs, all pullets, that they emailed out a couple of weeks ago.
My Buff Orpington hen lays pink eggs, kind of mauve. I have read that some other Buff Orps do too, but they are typically supposed to lay brown. The other two families on the block have brown eggs from their Buffs, and their chicks both came from Welp hatchery. My BO as a chick came from a feed store, and I think they get them from Ideal, but I am not positive.

Here is a picture of the pink egg next to my Barred Rock's egg. My BR lays a medium brown with white speckles. BR on the left. BO on the right. The photo doesn't do it justice; it looks more pink in person.
I personally don't have any, but I know of several BYC'ers who have EEs and lay pink eggs. Not very common, but it happens.
Yep...that is the color of the eggs that my Buff O has been laying...we wondered if it was her that was doin it!! They are a pink mauvy and with occasional I know which of my hens it is !! Thanks!!
My BO is also laying a light pinkish brown egg like the one in the above picture. It is more pink in person. I think I read somewhere that favorelles sometimes lay "tinted" pink eggs. Other than that...I dunno.
One of our EEs from the local feed store lays a definite pinkish egg. I am sure she was a hatchery EE. The other three lay a light blue, robin blue and light olive green eggs.
Yes, we have a nice collection.
However, the olive layer produces the most consistent, largest egg. The robin blue hen went broody (YEAH!!) and the pink one has fallen off to every two or three days.

I want a welsummer:)

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