Pink eggs?

My light brahmas lay a pink/purple tinted egg... will try and post some pics the next time they lay.
My Fayoumis all lay "pink-ish" eggs. It is an ongoing debate in my house if they are truly pink or not tho. They run the gamut from cream to peach-ish to slightly pink. I call them pink eggs. My wife does not. Party pooper. All have a definate pink hue to them.
My Speckled Sussex lay a pinky colored egg.
I have heard some Americanas lay mauve/lavendar/lilac colored eggs.
Four of my Americanas lay pale blue eggs.
Here is a photo of several different colors I get. The one on the left is "pink":


This photo is not can see how washed out the color is:
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That's a gorgeous picture! And the eggs are beautiful. I'm so jealous.
Is it okay if I print that pic out to show my DH and granddaughter?
Thank you. To be honest that photo has the color saturation tweeked a bit because the light tends to wash out the egg color. But the colors are very close to what they actually are in person. I still have those eggs set up and I'll show you the difference.

Go ahead and print it!
I use it as my wallpaper for my desktop at work. I have a thread under "online poultry show" for people to post photos of their eggs, other than their first eggs which are posted under this topic.
Very pretty eggs! I am jealous! That's what I want - a variety of pretty colors. What type of chicken laid the one on the right that looks pink or almost red? Was the other pink from an EE? I think I will also make that photo my wallpaper.
I change it every few days so it will be nice to look at something different a while.

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