Pinkpickledeggs says hello!


Apr 6, 2022
Maine, USA
Hi, everyone!

I am soon-to-be a first-time chicken owner - I have chicks arriving in June. I've wanted to have chickens ever since I was little, and I am absolutely thrilled that the dream is being realized! I'm learning everything I can in preparation, and am so excited to join this community to learn even more! I have a LARGE vegetable garden (fenced in 😁) and I'm so excited to give my flock lots of tasty, fresh veggies. I even picked up a few seed packets of veg I specifically want to grow for them. :idunnoAnyway, very nice to meet you and looking forward to interacting!

Hello, what breeds of chicks are you getting? Best of luck with them and thanks for joining!
Hi! So nice to e-meet you. :) I ordered from McMurray (hearing mixed reviews, but everyone I know personally has had good experiences so fingers crossed!) three Ameracaunas and then fifteen "mixed layers" - a grab bag of chicks known to be great layers, I'm excited to see what I get! :)

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