Pip in pointy end


8 Years
Apr 8, 2011
I'm sure I remember reading about this on here before but can't remember what the verdict is. I have 15 eggs due to hatch today/tomorrow and three pips - although one of the pips is in the pointy end and I've never seen this before. This is my first time of hatching posted eggs though which probably has a lot to do with it. What's the likely outcome?
The chick may not be able to turn in the egg in order to zip the shell and if that is the case you will have to help it. But give it a at least 18-24 hours before investigating to see if it needs help and if it's ready to hatch. The reason for this is the chick would normally pip internally, i.e. into the air sac first, but it skipped that stage and pipped externally, so you will need to take that into account when judging when help is needed. After the internal pip into the air sac it can take up to 6 hours or more before the chick pips through the shell. It can take up to 24 hours after the external pip for the yolk and blood in the membrane to be absorbed, though it could be much quicker too. After that is done the chicks will normally start zipping and complete the hatch. If after say, 24 hours the chick has not made any progress or showed any sign of zipping you can check and see if it's ready to hatch and assist. Here is an article that explains and illustrates the process very well:


Best of luck!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply - that's really helpful x
Good luck and keep us posted! My last 2 wrong end pippers managed to hatch by themselves, so I'm hoping yours will do the same.

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