Pipd's Peeps!

Heehee, I know! Such a cutie!
That afternoon, we were also visited by a lovely group of Dark-Eyed Juncos (one of my favorite native species of bird), and Mr. Cardinal posed for a nice shot, too, albeit at more of a modest distance than that Titmouse.

Good luck with the eggs you know I will be rooting here for the little chicks. I don't have any chicks but I enjoy looking at yours.

Here are the pictures of Crashie, as promised!
Not as many turned out as nice as I had hoped, but here are the good ones.

The ducky, herself:

My little ducky manicurist
All she does is nibble gently at your fingers. She'll do it for hours if you let her, though!

This picture doesn't capture the sheer volume of the voice that was coming from that little beak!

Heehee, I know! Such a cutie! :love That afternoon, we were also visited by a lovely group of Dark-Eyed Juncos (one of my favorite native species of bird), and Mr. Cardinal posed for a nice shot, too, albeit at more of a modest distance than that Titmouse.


Here are the pictures of Crashie, as promised! :) Not as many turned out as nice as I had hoped, but here are the good ones.

The ducky, herself:


My little ducky manicurist :lol: All she does is nibble gently at your fingers. She'll do it for hours if you let her, though!


QUACK! :th This picture doesn't capture the sheer volume of the voice that was coming from that little beak!


RGH, I typed a post and it told me I already submitted it and erased it! :barnie Let's try this again!

So I ended the semester with a C in Organic Chem (which is the lowest grade that counts as passing, and that's all that counts!), a B in Biostats, and somehow, miraculously, I got an A in Physics, of all subjects! No complaints here!

It's been frigid cold for a day or two, and that means lots and lots of water buckets that needed to have ice broken out of them every few hours. This winter is already kicking my butt! :lol: But other than being impatient for their breakfast, the girls have been indifferent to the cold. :rolleyes:

And I believe the last thing I mentioned was that I have no self control, so I candled the eggs last night on day 3. Surprisingly, 4 of the 5 had very obvious embryos in them!! :weee BABIESSS!!! The fifth was Omega, which is a day behind so it's no surprise nothing was visible in it. I say again, BABIESSS!!! :celebrate :jumpy
It did the same thing to me, you already submitted this. It must have been a glitch.

Well congrats on your grades you did very well. In fact you did great those are hard subjects.

Yeah on the eggs. I can't wait to see the babies hatch. GOOD LUCK. I hope they all hatch for you.

Have a great day, we are having a heat wave today it is going up to 40.
We got that heat wave today--just got to 40 degrees! It was nice, but not enough to melt off all this snow. :sick

I had a couple surprises today! We went out to get chicken feed, and when I was getting ready to unload it here at home, I noticed the chickens were freaked out, especially Umru who was out in the chicken yard. Upon going over there to check things out, I found a young opossum in Umru's shelter, eating all his food! :eek: I'm concerned it may have a nest under the coop, as it vanished under there before we could do anything about it. The live trap is going out tonight and hopefully the problem will be taken care of.

Then, I checked on the incubator and was shocked to see that the thermometer by the eggs was reading 10 degrees lower than it should have! I was just about to crank the heat up on it when I noticed that the thermometer that is attached to the top of the incubator was still reading what it should have. I was lucky to have noticed that before cranking the heat up, because as it turned out, one of the 'heat sinks' I put in the incubator to help stabilize its temps was leaking water onto the thermometer by the eggs, and the water evaporating off of it was causing it to read lower than the actual temp in there! Had I turned the heat up, I would have most likely killed all the eggs by overheating them! :th Everything is looking spot on now that I've moved things around.

I will hopefully get pictures of the girls tomorrow, as I just realized I forgot to take the youngsters' 7-month pictures on the 16th! I'd go take them now, but the girls are getting ready for bed already. Oh, and tomorrow is also day 7 on the eggs, so I will be candling them for real and possibly taking pictures of them, too! :D Can't wait to see how these babies are doing!!

Anyway--gotta get the coops closed for the night! Especially if a opossum is hanging around!
Sigh... Well, no pictures today. Right after I posted last night, I went out to close the coop and found poor Skua covered with mites. Things got crazy from there. We went out and got Permethrin liquid to use on them and in the coop. So I spent most of the day cleaning, scraping, dusting, and emptying the bedding from the coop. Then it got sprayed down with the permethrin, but it took so long to clean the coop that it was dark before the coop had dried out, so I had to close off the coop and settle the girls down on the deck for the night instead. I started to spray the girls when I found Rooska swarming with so many mites that she was soaked by the time I was through spraying her, and I was still finding mites where she wasn't sprayed. So I ended up bringing her in and giving her a permethrin bath, and obviously she couldn't go back outside into the cold while soaking wet. Long story short, tomorrow I have to make sure the coop is dry and re-bed it, finish spraying the birds, clean off the deck and spray it, clean my room out and spray Donna and Roscoe, clean Crashie's pens and spray her, and possibly clean and spray the duck and Guinea coops. AND, Rooska is perched on the vanity in my parents' bathroom in the dark while she dries, so that hopefully she can go back outside tonight, though that's looking less and less likely...

So sorry for all that trouble you had to go threw to get rid of the mites in the coop. I hope you don't have to do that to the guineas and the ducks. Poor babies at least you caught it and are getting rid of them. They are going to feel a whole lot better.

Take care and good luck I hope you get rid of the nasty things.

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