Pipd's Peeps!

GUYS GUYS GUYS!! I went up to bed just now (super late because I had a lot of homework to do this afternoon...) and found Crashie's first egg in her pen with her!! LOOK AT IT! :love


It's soft shelled just like her mom's first egg, too. The dark part is soft and the lighter part is kind of hard but cracky and will squish if pushed on. Looks like Crashie needs oyster shell in her diet now!!


I can't believe she's already laying!! :weee ...Then again, I posted this all the way back in November:

She's growing up, my little ducky. She has twice now 'squatted' by her waterer in the past few weeks when I've been around, in the same sense that the chicken hens squat. Okay, so I get that I'm her flock, but... :oops: Anyway, I guess that means I could see eggs from her sooner than I ever expected!
Here's hoping the next one is solid enough to! :D I'd love to have a little keepsake like that, though. That's one regret from losing Frou-Frou, that I never kept one of her teeny tiny eggs. I did keep a blotchy egg that Georgette laid, but that was more of a test run at blowing out eggs. It is pretty nifty, though. Here's a picture of it when she laid it last year, next to one of her usual dark brown eggs:


Crashie was born on May 29 last year, so by the day, she would have been 9 months old exactly yesterday. :)
Speaking of eggs, I just brought this whopper in from the coop after giving Margie her daily break. Either a goose got into the nest boxes, or someone's going to be sore for a while! :eek:

It looks like Geogette was getting her ink jets going in that first egg. I've got an isa brown that lays the dark eggs like that.

That's a huge egg it looks like a double yolker. I feel sorry for the chicken that laid that one.

Hopefully Crash's egg will be solid today. Then you can keep it.
Spring Break!! :weee​

I just turned in my last piece of homework for this half of the semester! :celebrate I do have a bit to do over the break, but plenty of time to do it and spend time with the girls all the while!

We are within a week of Margie's eggs hatching! I need to think of names!! And there's 73 days from the hatchery chicks' arrival!

Looks like we'll have a nice, warm week, too! :fl Perfect for a break!

Okay, enough of the exclamation points. :p

I do have some sad news to add to this post, however. Skua has not been at 100% these past few days. I think she may have laid the giant egg a few days ago, and she has been iffy since. I see no wounds and her abdomen feels normal, but I'm afraid she may be having issues related to that giant egg. Unfortunately, I know egg laying issues to be all too common in hatchery sexlinks, which is why I refuse to get any more of them. I think Skua is starting to come down with one, and I'm leaning toward ovarian cancer based on how she's acting. I hope I'm wrong. :/

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