Pipd's Peeps!

Oh my goodness! They are perfect :love  I love them.

And you finally got an Orpington, that is awesome! 

Yes, I'm so excited about that! :weee I kept thinking I wanted an Orpington, but I just don't like the buff coloration so I couldn't bring myself to get a buff Orp. I was so shocked that there were Lavenders available that I must have asked three times to be sure. The poor woman on the phone. :lol:

Love at first sight.  They are beautiful.  I will have to look up the dorkings I don't think I've ever heard of them before.  You are so lucky to find the lavender orp they are gorgeous.  Are your cochins bantam or regular size?  The brahma is going to be huge.  Every since I've read the story of brahmalot I have fell in love with those chickens.  The easter egger looks like a chip monk with that coloring and cheeks.  I can't wait to see the Americana's cheeks grow.  I love those little tuffs on the sides of their faces.  You really picked out some cuties.  Thank you so much for sharing the pics with us.  I wish I could hold them all.  :love

Dorkings are quite possibly my favorite breed. Best huggers and most sweet hens in the chicken world. That's what my Elly is, and what Kit was as well. :)


As for the Cochin babies, they're large fowl. That was the only way I could get girls. I follow Brahmalot as well, so I'm pretty excited to see how Umru grows. I think my mom's more excited, though, because she's been wanting a BIG girl like a Brahma for a long time! :lol:

I got a better look at the Dorkings, and I'm pretty sure the red-banded baby is our boy, so his name is Don. As for the other two, I think the yellow band will be Callette and orange band will be Lydda.

And the little Lavender Orp I believe I will name Rooska after an outspoken dwarf in Year of the Griffin. That baby talked and talked and TALKED all the way home! :lol:
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I'm not a fan of buff birds either, I've always loved the other colors though. Hopefully the lady understood that you were excited

Lavender chickens are so beautiful <3 I'm fortunate enough to have gotten two Lavender Ameraucana chicks(my avatar picture) about a week ago. I can never get enough of pretty birds.

Cuties! Hopefully you have the right ones
It would be awkward to have to wrong name.

That name sounds perfect!
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Elly is beautiful. I've only seen pics of them but never seen one in real life. Those little short legs are so cute.
How are the babies doing this morning? I showed all your pics of the little ones this morning to my husband.
I'm not a fan of buff birds either, I've always loved the other colors though. Hopefully the lady understood that you were excited :lau

Lavender chickens are so beautiful <3 I'm fortunate enough to have gotten two Lavender Ameraucana chicks(my avatar picture) about a week ago. I can never get enough of pretty birds.

Cuties! Hopefully you have the right ones :D It would be awkward to have to wrong name.

That name sounds perfect!

Ooh, congrats! :love Lavender Ameraucanas are gorgeous! I think the only ones prettier are the Silvers, but I'm biased--they have the same color pattern as the Dorkings. :p

It would be awkward to have the wrong names! I'd almost have to change their names if it did turn out that Don isn't the boy. I suppose Don isn't terrible for a girl, but Lydda and Callette just seem too girly for a manly rooster. :lol:

How are the babies doing this morning? I showed all your pics of the little ones this morning to my husband.

Everyone seems fine, running around and eating and definitely pooping, but I don't know, I've got this awful feeling of dread right now. I just have this feeling like something's not right. Rooska had a little poo on her bottom that I had to clean up this morning, but other than that I don't see anything wrong with her or anyone else... They're all active and outwardly healthy. Maybe I'm just being overprotective and worrying for no reason... I haven't had chicks in a brooder for a couple years, maybe I'm just out of practice with raising them. I'm freaking myself out. :lol:

Anyway, pictures of the babies this morning! :D

Callette! Goodness, she and Lydda look identical to Kit and Elda at this age. :love Can't wait until they're older and in the flock so I can have a lap full of Dorkings!


Here is miss loud mouth herself, Rooska. :rolleyes:


Endymion. Not sure what to make of this squirt. She seems so unaware of her surroundings, always bobbling around in everyone's way. :lol:


Case in point, trying to take a picture of Flury... :rolleyes: By the way, I looked at Flury's wing feathers and they look grayish-white, so I think she is a splash after all. :) Isodel's little wing pins are coming in clearly blue, so I was right on her.


And then there's Umru. Gee, none of them seem to appreciate being held like this... :oops:


Cazzie and her fuzzy feet :love


Here is Cazzie and Umru at the feeder. Caz has this concept thing with food. She doesn't seem to understand that it can be eaten without being stood in. :p


Umru, such a chow hound. :lol: She reminds me of a bear with her round, floofy body.


Isodel :love She always jumps when the camera flashes, and then she gives me this indignant look.


I finally got a picture that shows Izzy's cheeks, too. :love So fuzzy!


Endymion again. She was trying to get a good look at the camera and stood up REAL tall! :lol:


Endy on the EcoGlow. So it begins. :rolleyes: Actually, Rooska was the first one up on top, because she needed a stage from which to peep I guess?


Here is Rooska and Cazzie in the food. :rolleyes: I guess it's a chick thing. Unlike Caz, though, Rooska believes toes are also food, and so food must be better when feet are in it.


The Dorking girls! I'm not sure who's who here, but I think Lydda is up front and Callette is in back. Lydda blinked. :rolleyes:


Here's all three of the Dorkings. :love Don is the one at the bottom of the picture. You can see he's lighter overall and his head marking isn't as solid, which is why I'm pretty sure he's the boy. And the girls' bands aren't visible again. :he But Callette is the bigger of the two girls, so I think she's the one next to Donnie and Lydda is on the right.

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They all look perfect to me. They will be fine your just being a overly cautious mom. Just enjoy your babies and quit worrying.
How many times did you get up in the night to check on them?

The pictures are great. I can't begin to imagine how many retakes you had. Umru's pic of you holding her is halarious. Cazzie looks like a runway model. Endys little face is precious I wish she didn't have to get adult feathers. The dorking sisters oh so cute. Girl you have me laughing out loud sitting out in the kitchen by myself. Rooska looks so quiet and timid. I couldn't even tell she is the one with the big mouth.
Izzy's cheek feathers are huge. She won't even need wings she can just fly by her cheeks.

I think I have a favorite and I don't like to make the other ones jealous of her. That Umru I think is going to be my favorite. She just looks like a little butter ball.

Thanks so much for sharing their pics they are soooo cute.

Have a great day you made mine even better looking at their pics.
They all look perfect to me.  They will be fine your just being a overly cautious mom.  Just enjoy your babies and quit worrying.  :D  How many times did you get up in the night to check on them?  

The pictures are great.  I can't begin to imagine how many retakes you had.  Umru's pic of you holding her is halarious.  Cazzie looks like a runway model.  Endys little face is precious I wish she didn't have to get adult feathers.  The dorking sisters oh so cute.  Girl you have me laughing out loud sitting out in the kitchen by myself.  Rooska looks so quiet and timid.  I couldn't even tell she is the one with the big mouth.  :D Izzy's cheek feathers are huge.  She won't even need wings she can just fly by her cheeks.  

I think I have a favorite and I don't like to make the other ones jealous of her.  That Umru I think is going to be my favorite.  She just looks like a little butter ball.  

Thanks so much for sharing their pics they are soooo cute.  

Have a great day you made mine even better looking at their pics.

I can't help it... :oops: Actually, they're quiet at night because of the EcoGlow, so I didn't wake up at all. Once I'm out, I'm out. :lol:

Umi is a cutie. She's my little grumpy bear. :love I can't pick a favorite, I adore them all so much! I just love my Dorkings, and Endy's little face is so precious, and Izzy and Rooska are such little darlings, and the Cochin girls are such fuzzy little divas, and then there's grumpy bear Umru. :love Their little personalities are starting to show, and they're such little stinkers! Only thing is, they're already looking bigger than they were when we picked them up on Monday. I never said they were allowed to grow up!! :tongue

(been following along, just haven't had the time to reply) I can't believe the babies are here! They are so cute! :jumpy  Hoping things go well!

:frow Glad you're enjoying the pictures even if you don't always have the time to post! :)

Pictures are coming in just a bit--just got to get them uploaded! :D
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Babies!! :love Brace yourselves for the cuteness!

Callette! This little lady was practically jumping up and down for attention! :lol:


Sweet little Lydda, I had to clean her rear off this morning, too. She seems okay now, though. :)


Donnie boy, such an inquisitive little squirt. :p


Cazzie baby, tough little gal she is!


Flury, who luckily has fuzzy feet because it's sometimes tricky to tell her from Izzy and Rooska.


Speaking of Izzy and Rooska, the two are best buds :love Because they know they were the most expensive little princesses in the set. :rolleyes: They're the hardest to tell apart of all the chicks (thanks to the Dorkings having leg bands), but Izzy is on the left and Rooska on the right.


Here's Endymion with her little foot in my hand! :love Can you even stand it?! :love


Umru, big-boned floof ball :love


Callette again, look at this face! :love


Callette, Don, and Cazzie. SIGH. They were posed so nicely, but Donnie moved. :rolleyes:


Little Lydda in my hand :love


Big ol' grumpy bear Umru. :love "Tryin' to eat here!!"


Cazzie playing peek-a-boo out from under the EcoGlow


Now that we're starting to grow in wings, it looks like Caz is actually a really dark blue, not black. Yay! :D (Not that black would be bad, I just prefer blue :oops: )


My little blueberry butt :love :lol:


I also looked at Endy's wings out of curiosity. Looks like she's going the be black and white?


Little Endy :love


Active little babies!! :love Left to right, it's Callette, Don, Rooska, Cazzie, Flury, and Umru:


My little munchkins :love :love :love Izzy jumped! :lol:


Just for fun, here are a couple 'outtakes' that I thought were funny. I focused in on Lydda for the above picture of her in my hand and took a shot, and apparently the camera flash made her jump. :lol:


And Cazzie decided she was done with lap time just as I took the picture. :lol:

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Gorgeous and please don't let them grow. Wouldn't it be so cute if they stayed this size for at least a couple of months.

Thanks so much for sharing their pics I really enjoyed looking at all of them and even the out takes.
Give them all a little hug from me.

Have a great day and enjoy your babies.

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