Pipd's Peeps!

They are so cute I wish I could hold them all. That's a nice new space for them. I'm sure they will enjoy all the extra room now. Of course the pine in the water. That is always a problem. They are really growing fast make sure you remind them to stay babies for a long time.

We are going up to 61 today with more rain predicted. I can not stand all this mud. It is going to take a while for it dry out which it doesn't because we just keep getting more rain.

Thanks so much for sharing the pics with us I really enjoy watching the little ones grow up.
Ugh, I hate that for you... :/ But I bet the ducks are happy! We're going to be close to 60 again today with no rain predicted, but so far it's muggy and foggy out this morning. If only you were closer by, then you could hold the babies. They are so sweet and not hand shy at all--once they get used to the new face attached to those hands! They met my niece for the first time last night and were a little spooked, but I told her to put her hands down in there and they soon got over it and were back to crawling all over us. Precious little darlings! :love

The babies survived their first night in the new brooder, but they were very confused this morning not to be in their old box again. I missed waking up to their little peep-peep-peeps, but when I peeked in at them this morning, I got my peep-peep fix. They were so excited to see me and went nuts, flying around like little maniacs, my precious little babies! :love It's a big adjustment for them, but I think they like all the space. :)
Well, we've had another visit from a hawk this morning. Sigh... So, unfortunately, the girls will have to spend the rest of the day inside where I know they're safe. Mom and I are seriously thinking about how we can fence the top of the mini-yard so that they can have at least a little more space during times like this. The deck already gives them more space than they would have had before, but when it's so warm like this, they just hate to be inside. :/
I'm glad you saw the hawk before you let them out. I can't stand hawks. I haven't seen one around here for a while now. Knock on wood.

I'm glad the babies are liking their new space. They are adoreable. Do the feathers feel like the silky babies? Have you heard anymore crows? That is amazing that a chick that young would crow.

After tomorrow we will be going back to winter temps. I'm not looking forward to that. Sunday we have snow flurries predicted. We've only had one snow this winter and it was about 3 inches so it really hasn't been that bad.

Have a great day and kiss those babies for me.
They do feel like silkie feathers! It's hard to tell from their wing feathers, but they've got their fuzzy little pantaloons coming in, and they're so soft! :love Unfortunately, I haven't heard crowing since I moved them to their new brooder. If anyone is still crowing, it must be happening before I get down to check on them in the morning. It makes sense, because he was crowing right when I woke up, so I'm probably just missing it now.

Ugh on winter temps, but also yay I guess? For me, I'm just so sick of all this mud that I'd be glad to see it freeze. :lol: Up here, it's been snowing lightly so far today, but it's still warm enough that the ground hasn't frozen and none of it is sticking. We haven't had much of a winter, either, although we did get a few inches of snow and some sub-zero temps in December. Just kind of strange. :/

The babies are 3 weeks old today, and I do plan to get pictures eventually! I've finally come to a definite decision on Onesie's name. I had a few ideas, but nothing seemed right. Well, I was looking through a list of R-names on the name database site I'm part of, thinking I would pick something to go with their father Roscoe's name. As soon as I saw this name, I knew it was the one. And so, Onesie will, from this day forward, be known as Ramsay!

So now I have two red roosters named Roscoe and Ramsay. :love I just love it!
Sorry, dropped the ball on pictures yesterday! Here are some pictures from this morning, though!

Sweet little Abra :love


Alphie looking derpy :lol:


I think Ramsay wins on the 'derpy' front, though. :lau


Wiiings! :lol: I think that was Lucky, but it could have also been Omega.


Ramsay says, "You're touching me. Why are you touching me?"


Lucky trying to look tough. :rolleyes:


Abie being a cutie :love :love


Lucky is ready for his close up!


Omega on the edge of the EcoGlow.


Abie on the move :love I love the color coming in on her chest!


A circle of peepers. :lol:


The circle is not quite so flattering from this angle. :lau


And a bonus picture. I usually crop these pictures down to focus on the subject of them, but then I noticed Alphie's face on the left there... :lol:


In other news, I forgot to post this, but Lydda laid her first egg on Tuesday! :celebrate I thought she had been laying before, but I was mistaken on that. And Callette's comb is starting to grow, so she may start laying soon, too! We're actually getting eggs!! :lol:
Hope everyone's all right out there! :frow Nothing really new to report here, except the babies have decided as of last night not to use their EcoGlow anymore. I've been moving them so that they can tuck themselves underneath it in the night if they get cold, but otherwise they sleep behind it.

Just because, here is Keiko's chosen napping position tonight. (That's my mom laying next to her. :lol: )


the babies are growing so fast I wish they could stay little a whole lot longer. My great granddaughter come over and stayed all night we had a great time. We call her our ray of sunshine because she brings us such happiness.

Do the babies get to big to get under the eggglow or does it get to hot for them? I've never used one before but I know everyone likes them better then the heat lights. I know their a lot safer.

Keiko is so precious. I don't see how anyone could not like that cat.

Thanks so much for sharing the chicks with us. It's the next best thing to having some of your own. Have a great day and stay warm it's 25 degrees out there this morning.
Aww, well I'm glad you had fun! Yes, eventually they do get too big for the EcoGlow. EcoGlows have 3 heights, so when they get too big for one, you just move it up to the next. They tend to stop using it long before they're too big for it, though, because there is only heat directly underneath it, so chicks wean off heat a lot faster, just like with a mama hen. As long as it's properly functioning, it shouldn't ever get too hot for them. It feels hot to the touch with bare hands, but not painfully so. I've heard of some malfunctioning and getting way too hot, but that doesn't seem to be the norm. There's also a heat plate by Premier1 that has adjusting legs rather than just 3 height settings, but as I said, they usually wean off heat before they get too big, so either one works great in my opinion. I believe the Premier1 plate is cheaper, though, if you're looking into investing in one. You should also be aware that they market them for 20 chicks, but they really are only big enough for about 10 chicks, depending on if they're bantam or large fowl. Sorry to ramble on--I just really like these heat plates! :D

I still don't understand how someone could dislike Keiko, either. :rolleyes: Their loss, eh?

Brrr, you stay warm, too! It was 20 degrees when I went out to the chickens, but I think it's closer to 25 now. I guess it finally decided to be winter again! Fine by me--I was getting sick of getting stuck in the mud!!

Oh, and I got on to post that Izzy, my Blue Ameraucana, laid her first egg yesterday!! I didn't realize it until today, when I brought in an Endymion egg and noticed that they weren't the same after all! Izzy's egg is a beautiful, deep blue, as deep as Endymion's but without the green tinge to it! :love I believe Callette is getting ready to start laying, too, and one or two of the Silkie girls has picked up laying again, too! Eggs, glorious eggs!! :celebrate
This strange weather now we are back up to 51 today. One day you freeze and the next day it warms up. That is Indiana for you. I've always heard if you can live in the ohio river valley you could live anywhere in the world. Thats us for sure.

Autumn finally went back out with the flock. She definately did not like being a housechicken. She is still limping a bit but she is doing better. The tiny little place she had on her foot I never could understand if it was that or what.

I bet the eggs are really pretty. I've never had one that laid blue eggs but Muffin does lay a pretty green egg. I haven't seen one for about 3 months now. All the ducks have taken a vacation from egg laying. They should be starting up pretty soon. I've got one buff orp thats been laying about every other day and thats it for the eggs. I feed the eggs they lay back to them and they sure do miss their boiled eggs in the mornings. About once a week they will get eggs for breakfast thanks to Fanny May or Twinkie I don't know which one is laying.

Hold the chicks for me and tell them I love them. Have a great day.

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