Pipd's Peeps!

Awww such sweet little fluffy butts! It's making me excited for my first incubator hatch (due 4/24).

Also too funny about the spur in the fence. My little rooster knocked a spur off that way too. He never did it again and wasn't phased, but I was quite worried when I discovered most of his spur was gone! :lol:
Thanks much, both of you! Good to see you around, Fatimetta! :frow Hope all's been well over there, despite the current state of the world. Winston, my OEGB fella, has broken both his spurs off doing the same thing. :rolleyes: He hasn't learned, though, and continues to fight through the fence. Darwin, on the other hand, hasn't since approached the fence where he had hung himself, so maybe he can learn. :gig

Anyway, I've got an air breather in the incubator again this morning! :D Hopefully a Winter x Abra baby (so a Silkie x Cochin mix with silkied feathering), but possibly a Reuben x Marge baby (because I think one of the two Abra eggs I grabbed was actually a Marge egg, but I don't know which was which :barnie ). This is the only egg that developed from my EHAL set, so baby's going to join the silkied Cochins once she's sturdy enough to hold her own. Until then, she'll have her own space cordoned off in the brooder once she's out, dry, and has found her land legs. ❤

Progress so far:

Weird pip unmarked.jpg
And... Baby is out. :love My phone is charging and my camera won't take pictures through the incubator windows, but she's a dark colored chick with a gray beak, five toes on one foot and four toes on the other. :eek: Pretty sure that she's Abra's daughter after all!! :celebrate

EDIT: She's fluffed up and she's kind of a reddish brown, so I do think she's Abra's daughter after all. Also, here's the weird feet. I couldn't get a good full picture of her because she's in a sort of shadowy corner of the room, but I'll work on that later.

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Sooo cute! Those cochins and cochin mixes get me every time with their floofy little selves! I can't believe I don't have any still! :lol: For some reason the thread wasn't giving me notifications and without notifications I remember nothing.. but I happened to see this thread pop back up again and glad to see happy little babies hatching out again! The quarantine isn't so bad when you have chickens and can work from home I guess :gig
Ah, yeah, seems like a lot of people have that trouble with notifications. :hmm Well, glad you found your way back! :) Quarantine definitely is better with chickens to play with! :D

Here is EHAL baby all dried and out of the incubator! Be still my heart! :love She's so pretty!! Her fluff color is just like Abra's as a baby! ❤

Baby out and dry.jpg
Ah, yeah, seems like a lot of people have that trouble with notifications. :hmm Well, glad you found your way back! :) Quarantine definitely is better with chickens to play with! :D

Here is EHAL baby all dried and out of the incubator! Be still my heart! :love She's so pretty!! Her fluff color is just like Abra's as a baby! ❤

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She is adorable!
She is! And boy is she a talker! :p Here are a few pictures of her today with the good camera:


"Excuse you!" Haha, she's a little grump like her half-sister, Ganymede. :gig

indignant peeppeep.jpg

She peep-peep-mutters at me when she needs some attention. She didn't want to be in the paper towel studio alone, apparently. ❤

a helping hand.jpg

Ah, that face! 😍

close up.jpg

...Err, well, and that face. :lol: I think this is her way of telling me no more pictures. :love

no more pictures.jpg
Small updates today. Little EHAL peep-peep has been in the brooder with the silkied Cochins for 24 hours now and is doing fabulously and so happy to have someone to cuddle with! :love Here they are having their breakfast this morning. Notice how the big kids are eating out of the tiny dish for little peep-peep, and little peep-peep is eating out of the big feeder. :idunno Silly babies!

mingling 4-17-20.jpg

So, I may have forgotten to take the silkied Cochins' 2-week pictures yesterday... :oops: But that may have been a happy accident anyway, because most of the silkied Cochins hatched on a Thursday, and little peep-peep hatched on a Saturday, so if I take all of their pictures on today, that's close enough for a weekly picture for both groups. :D

Unfortunately, I remembered yesterday that the cross of a Silkie male and a non-Silkie, non-gray-legged female (as in, what little peep-peep is) is actually a sexlinked cross where the females inherit gray skin / legs from their father and the males don't, which means... Little peep-peep is a male. :hit But, oh, well. He's still a little cutie, and I'm hopeful that he'll be a good flock rooster like his dad and granddad. :love

And the last bit of stuff happening around here is that... :th It's snowing!! We're predicted to get 4-5 inches if I remember correctly. The girls are NOT happy!

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