Piping wrong end. Help!


May 11, 2015
I've had chicks pip the wrong end when I set them wrong side up but this time I did it right side up and he's still popping the wrong end! And he pipped twelve hours ago and is noise as all get out but hasn't progressed. What should I do?!
I've had chicks pip the wrong end when I set them wrong side up but this time I did it right side up and he's still popping the wrong end! And he pipped twelve hours ago and is noise as all get out but hasn't progressed. What should I do?!
Give him time. Many malepositioned chicks can hatch themselves, many need assistance. You are what, about 20 hours now? Has there been any change? Many chicks take 24 hours to progress. With wrong end pippers they are skipping a whole step so it can take them longer. I wait until 24 hours to start an assist. Usually with pointed end pippers it's very slow assist because the veining at the bottom is the last to retract and those need to be taken care of before messing too much.
He's out now, but now the top part of his shell is fit perfectly, somehow, over the top part of his neighbor eggs shell, should I be concerned about that chick busting thru two shells?! Thanks for your advice I'll definitely file that away for future use!
He's out now, but now the top part of his shell is fit perfectly, somehow, over the top part of his neighbor eggs shell, should I be concerned about that chick busting thru two shells?! Thanks for your advice I'll definitely file that away for future use!
If the shell is capping another shell I would get it off. If the other chick pips under that he'll won't be able to progress or get out and might suffocate.
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