Mrs A

In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2021
So this is my first time hatching duck eggs. I noticed one of the eggs had a hole in this morning it could have happened last night while I was sleeping but it seems to be in the wrong end. My air cells were a bit weird *being shipped even though I set them for over 24hrs) so I am not sure if it got confused.

It doesn't look as though there is a hole in the air cell and I am not sure it can breathe. There was movement against the membrane this morning but it hasn't moved for a while.

Is there a way to tell if it can breathe? The membrane looks a little brown to me is this also a worry?

Any tips nuch appreciated. Please help!!

Thank you.
Here is the best photo I could get


  • 20210312_065151.jpg
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Its fine there is another thread called Duck Egg Pipped the Wrong End? it says it came out just fine BUT you have to make sure it gets therought the membrain
Hi thank you I can't see a hole through the membrane. I had a look on thwre but could only find info for eggs further along. Should a hole be made in this membrane and what with? Thank you
Just watch it for a while. Here is what people said about thee other thread about the wrong side pip :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs

All my ducklings have hatched from different ends when they hatched in February, trust me it's fine they all hatched healthy it just takes longer for them to hatch when there at the wrong end. Most of them actually started peeping then almost a week later started hatching , it's fine I promise
Sometimes they can do it on there own, sometimes they can't and need a little assistance. Sounds like he has broken threw the membrane and passed the shell, which is good because then he can't run out of air. Because he's NOT in the proper position, he would run out of air because his air source is at the opposite end. So as long as he has that hole, He's good to go for a little while, sometimes they struggle and struggle and get sooo tired they give up.

Lets see what he does in 24 hours. if you can send me a picture of him now, so that after 24 hours we
It'll be fine :) ( sorry I just have to have a positive post since mine above was just kinda my story)

can see if he's making any progress.

Thanks all, 6 out of 6 set and they hatched. The last one when I woke this morning was a little shrink wrapped, and as the others were out, I decided to help him, as his beak, wing, little foot were showing but the membrane was white and hard.
I took away a little of the shell, and put him back. He hatched on his own and dried some. But he's not so good. The others are now eating, drinking, making all they can of every bit of water!!!!
But he is still sleepy. He wakes when I talk to him, but his head wobbles, and his eyes open, but they are still half covered with something other than his eye lid. He's had sugar water and perked up briefly, but not to the extent of the others. Feel so sorry for him. He isn't walking yet, but will shuffle to occasionaly join the other 5 to sleep. Other than that, they all snuggle up and sleep and he is left on his own. I hope he improves by tomorrow. I also rang the lady I bought these "Aylesbury Eggs" from and explained they are chocolate brown and asked what other ducks she had as they were not was I was expecting to hatch! She only has Aylesbuys and Khaki Campbells and they are kept apart in different breeding pens, so she can only say that she mixed the eggs up when collecting

. They are beautiful ducklings though, and I wouldn't change them for anyhting now! I've read these can be nice ducks given input & interaction from early on.

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I have had a duckling pip from the "wrong end" and hatched just fine. As long as the membrane is broken through and air is getting in, I think the duckling will be fine! Keep us updated on how it does!!!
That's what I am worried about where the hole is there is a brown film right across. I dont3know if you can see it on the photo. So would he not be able to breathe through this?
Other people's membranes seem to be white and this looks brown to me???
And definitely can't see a tear?


  • 20210312_102011.jpg
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Ok thanks - it isn't pushing on the membrane anymore. I am not too worried about the hatch taking a while as I know that they do I just don't want it to suffocate. I eould have thought it would make a hole through both membrane and shell?
Ok thanks - it isn't pushing on the membrane anymore. I am not too worried about the hatch taking a while as I know that they do I just don't want it to suffocate. I eould have thought it would make a hole through both membrane and shell?
Hi everyone,
It had made no progress so I decided to zip a little for it and also to add a hole in the membrane, it was extremely tough. Before doing so I could hear it cheeping and trying its best to get it's bill out. I could barely do this even after dampening it and using tweezers so I really think it would have struggled. I have exposed the bill now but not the entire head. I have decided to leave it to rest for a while in the incubator. The rest of the membrane has gone leathery and brown too, the hunidity is high it is just so thick and tough.
Are there any signs I should look for that signal distress so I know if it will need further assistance or not?
At the moment its mouth is moving and it occasionally cheeps. And then looks as though it is sleeping so hopibg for the best.

Thank you for any help you can give me. Really invested I would be so heartbroken if I can't keep the little guy alive.

Thank you everyone!

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