Pipped Yolk Again?? UPDATE!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Last night before I went to bed, one chick had nearly completely zipped. This morning it isn't moving at all and I think it died before kicking out. There is a yellowish bit of goo coming out of the bottom of the zip. Did I have the rotten luck of another chick pipping it's yolk??? Does this happen to anyone else?
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It happened to me..yup. With some of my quail and a couple of my ducks. It's the wort thing to scrub out of a bator, too. Cooked egg yolk is tuff stuff!

Sounds like what you described...sometimes its another chick that picks at the ones that are just on their way out, thouhg, too. I had an egg that a hatched chick pecked and pecked at one of the speckles on it until the inevitable happened..it cracked, and gooey yellow life from the baby dripped out...it made me so mad!

But, life is life, there's really no changing something like this.

Hope you have better luck!
UPDATE! So I went to get out the dry chicks and pull out the shells and quickly snatched up the egg w/ the gunk....IT MOVED AND CHEEPED! I quickly put it back and then with a straw dripped warm water around it's zip to loosen it up. It's like it's come back to life! It's been cheeping and struggling, but I'm not sure that it'll hatch with all that crusty stuff around the zip. I'll keep ya posted!
UPDATE! So I went to get out the dry chicks and pull out the shells and quickly snatched up the egg w/ the gunk....IT MOVED AND CHEEPED! I quickly put it back and then with a straw dripped warm water around it's zip to loosen it up. It's like it's come back to life! It's been cheeping and struggling, but I'm not sure that it'll hatch with all that crusty stuff around the zip. I'll keep ya posted!

Not that I'm an old hat at this or anything...only my third batch, but I have never seen anything like this. That yellow gunk was so thoroughly encrusted on the bottom of his zip that there was NO WAY he was going to chisel thru it all and rip out all his fuzz to get out. So I helped him with warm water and paper towels, but seriously- I ended up having to crack the shell below the zip b/c it was so crusted at the zip! He's out, but he looks like he's wearing a belt made of egg shell. If he makes it, how do I get that off?? What was that yellow glue?
Chickie is still doing good and still wearing his shell bit belt...looks like he's got his feathers slicked down with hair gel...it's the 80s style.
Can you give a chick a bath?
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