Pipping and peeping...


11 Years
Jul 8, 2008
2 died, one alive 2 pipping and peeping and 8 more to go one the light bulb decideds to burn out!! Yeah starting freaking out, had to call DH and he was like take the light bulb out and put in a new. DUH!!! Patience is killing me, I have a mixed assortmet and am soo curiious as to way they look like I know most are EE;s which are one of my favorites and a the japenese goden phoenix is pipping I have her mother, the other I don't know.
Sorry about the 2 you lost !! Do you have any idea why ??

That stinks about the bulb, Good thing hubby knew what to do LOL!!!

And CONGRATS on the baby that is doing good !!
One was a premie and died during the night the other one was to big to get out on it's own and I was too late, the third I had to help out because it is too big for the shell,too.So I think the other 3 or 4 may have to be helped out also, the other are much smaller so hopefully they will do it on their own, I have intervening!
3 pipping a 2 small ones and medium one, nothing on the larger ones may have to listen in a little while and check out what's going on in there.
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Yah its not normal for all the chicks to have to be helped out !!

What were your temps and hum day 1-18??

What is your hum now ??

Have you opened the bator alot ??

See if there is any helpful info on this page.... http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/AA204
Only have 2 alive one from Wild Child the Japanese Golden Phoenix, and EE black and a little white on it's chest both seem to be girls but I lost 7 total because of that darn light!!! It threw the temp and humidity WAY OFF and they pretty much got cooked, I think! I am done for the winter, or so I say.
I think I will wait for my other EE's and Barred Rocks to go broody sometime this spring. We shall see.

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