"Pithing" Slaughter?

Mmm, I can understand your qualms, skythechickenman.

But the way I look at it is, even a lion has to learn how to slaughter prey. Mistakes have to be forgivable if you're trying as hard as you can to be humane. Otherwise we'd simply never get anything done.

Having said that, I reckon if it seems cruel, don't try it. Nerves get in the way (also true of the axe).
You could practice the technique on some freshly dead chickens. You won't know if you have it absolutely correct, but you could at least get comfortable with the action of putting your tool in the chickens mouth, and figuring out the force needed to penetrate the brain case. If you don't like the technique on a dead bird, chances are you won't like it on a moving live bird.
I agree with Erica. Killing, no matter what method you use, improves with practice.

I guess I don't understand why pithing is being termed as "horrific"? It is a quick jab and turn of the wrist. The bird squawks and then relaxes unconcious. Then the throat is cut and the bird bleeds out. How is that "horrific"?
Good points, all. Thank you all for your perspectives on this...

But now, if could beg you folks to indulge me further, what about some technical questions?
What sort of knife works best? What's the best way to hold the chicken while you do this? That sort of thing.... I've found all sorts of stuff on the internet, but you know how that is... I'd rather hear from someone who I know has done it before than a try to learn from an anonymous "wikiHow" article...

I have pretty good fine motor skills, but I just had an unpleasant mental image of myself trying to pith a chicken while holding its head, and pithing my hand too...

BTW I'm not planning to slaughter again anytime soon, or settle on anything, just exploring new options still...
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A stiletto would be perfect. Long, straight... An awl maybe? Something with a wider tip is generally better if it can be sharpened to a very fine tip (e.g. a narrow flat-head screwdriver, with the head not only sharpened to razor thin but also shaped like a leaf with a slightly rounded tip).

You could use any knife that's very long and thin bladed — though not too bendy.

The method usually involves a killing cone. Take the head in one hand, thumb and two fingers under the chin, index and middle finger on either side of the comb, beak sticking out between them. Turn the head a little, and use thumb and little finger to open the beak.

The blade goes up at an angle through the groove in the roof of the mouth, toward the point where the head meets the rear of the comb. Get the aim right without pressure, then use a sudden sharp jab. About the same pressure as... well it isn't that much. The bone is thin there, like firm eggshell. A jab, then a quick twist and it's done. The cranial skull is much stronger, so I doubt you'll meet your hand (but you could always wear a leather glove).

It's hard to describe! And a little ghastly to do, to be honest. But I do believe it's quick.

The only thing I'm not totally sure about is the exact aim — the back of the comb seemed to work for me but perhaps someone who does it regularly and has a better description could say?

I haven't used this method in a long time, so feel I'm pretty rusty... I hope you get some clearer answers!


Edited to clarify.
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Thanks Erica. That was actually a lot clearer than anything I've been able to find yet...

BTW I was just checking out your blog. I love the whole concept! Keep it up!


I'd also like to know how to pith, but i won't be doing any more experimenting.
I tried to find videos, but nothing is available.

Perhaps someone on the board can record it and post ir privately for others to see- so as to avoid the public outcry.
Thanks, Sky, that was very much appreciated.

Carress, that's a great suggestion. Someone will step up, I'm sure. I'll see what I can dig up, too.

That sounds like a great idea... If a picture tells a thousand words, a video can tell a million...

Public outcry? I don't think we have anything to hide IMO... but I understand...

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