Place in Arizona who take roosters?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 2, 2011
Gilbert Arizona
I have a lot of roosters that I would love to be rid of. There are a lot of wild chickens running around my neighborhood and many of them have decided they like my house.

But I only have 12 hens and there are too many roosters which is causing them to lose a lot of their feathers,

They are very docile roosters. Beautiful too. Never been aggressive and don't fight with my 3 roosters.

I don't want to kill them but I would really like to find them homes.

There used to be a feed store that took roosters, but they went out of business.

Anyone know of anywhere that free ranges roosters or needs any?
Maybe you should try seeing if anyone is missing any roos since they're docile! However, if you can't find their owners you could try contacting local rescue groups to see if they can find homes for them or locate their owners if they've wandered far from home. You can also put them on craigslist but don't give them away for free as someone would be happy to take them for bad purposes.

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