Plant recommendations for the run - best hide-under plants?


5 Years
Jun 9, 2014

I've read the articles in the learning center about plants that chickens eat, but I'm not very knowledgeable about non-edibles & landscaping plants. Can anyone recommend big, bushy, or leafy type plants that I can put in the run to give chickens a place to hide if a hawk swoops by? The area I'm going to fence is under an oak tree, so preferably something that can handle shade. Other than that, I don't care what it looks like or how big it gets. I just don't know what to buy - most of the plants in the learning center looked like pretty flower-type plants. I need big, bushy or leafy things that chickens will generally leave alone. Any suggestions? Or even pictures of what you have in your run? Thanks!!

(and if it's something I can find at Home Depot that would be AWESOME - they're pretty much all I've got in my town!)

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