Planting seasons

What kind of vegetable/edible plants should I be planting in June and July?

It depends on what gardening zone you are in. The lower the zone the shorter growing season you will have. I'm in zone 6 so I have dependable hot weather free of frosts generally from the 2nd week of may to the 2nd or 3rd week of august. Right now most greens, beets, radishes, summer squashes/zucchini, and some beans are doable. The window for corn and winter squash/pumpkins is fast closing or closed. For my circumstances i would presently need to aim for stuff with around a 60 day maturity date.

Of course that advice is for summer crops. There are some winter/fall crops that actually do better in cooler weather. Turnips, kale, bok choy, and peas are plantable at the end of summer so they can mature in cooler weather.

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