Plants for around the coop/run


Aug 18, 2015
I am new to backyard chickens. I have 12 hens and 3 roosters. Our coop is 10’X6’ with a 10’X20’ run. I am interested in planting around the coop and having a vine go up the sides and top of the run to create a canopy. I have read that English Ivy is not good for chickens but this was my first choice in a vine. Is English Ivy ok? What other ideas do you guys have? What flowers/plants are safe to plant around the coop/run?
I have an elevated playhouse coop which is under my 8 by 8 enclosed grapevine trellis. The chickens love the grapevine leaves and grapes that fall. I also have chocolate mint growing on the outside of the enclosed grapevine trellis. The 8 by 16 run has lemon balm growing outside of it. I mix chocolate mint, citrus mint, spearmint, lemon balm, cinnamon basil, grass, and clover in with their flake pine shavings to give them a fragrant and tasty addition to their bedding.
That sounds beautiful. I also thought about a grapevine canopy, but I didn't know if it or the grapes were toxic.
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I would stay away from ivy - it is supposed to be toxic to poultry, but also very difficult to control and remove if you change your mind. Being evergreen and a hardy grower will block winter sun.

Grape or muscadine are supposed to be safe for chickens, but dog toxic - although many report no problems around their dogs.

If my run had more sun in the summer I would plant climbing roses - would offer summer shade and winter sun. And safe for the flock.

Whatever you decide on, make sure the run covering can handle the weight of the vines.

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