Plants in your run

wayne hulgan

8 Years
Jul 24, 2011
What type plants, if any, have y'all planted in your run. We have a run, (pen really) with 1500 sqft. we have planted 3 knock out roses, 1 leland cyprus, and 1 butterfly bush. When our chicks freeranged, they seemed to like these plants more than others in our yard. Since the dog attack and haveing to pen our chicks, we thought we would let them have the plants they seemed to like. our roses are not quite big enough for them to hide under and hunt bugs. right now we have the roses fenced out. crazy chicks would dig they up if not. the leyland and butterfly bush seem to be taking the abuse in stride. They are somewhat small now, but wait until next year. the chicks will love them. The leyland could get too big and have to be cut, but thats down the road a little.
Illinois Everbearing Mulberry trees, Apple tree, Persimmon trees, and annual plants grown in cage/trellis system for free food dropping such as squash and tomatoes. I also have the Chicken Run sharing a fence with the garden and let them into the garden in the fall when I'm done with it for the chickens to glean/clean and till the garden so it's ready by spring for planting.





Darkmatter, What breed is about to eat a mulberry from your hand?

Also you might plant pine trees in the run. I can't imagine chickens eating that.
LOL------That's one of my "chicken" Guineas. I raided the Guinea nest in the field and put some eggs on the incubator, 7 days later I put some chicken eggs on also (Guineas = 28 days, Chickens = 21 days ) to have them hatch out together and raise together. It makes the mixed flock get along with each other and encourages the guineas to roost in the coop and not in the trees where they get eaten by predators. That guinea in the picture thinks it's a chicken and hangs out with his "chicken buddies" rather then fly out and roam the property with the others eating ticks and whatnot. He is also the only one tame enough or brave enough to take a mulberry out of my hand.

I wouldn't want to plant pine trees in the run---I want stuff the chickens will eat.

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