Plants inside and outside of coop?


5 Years
Jan 14, 2015
Bakersfield ca
I live where it will get very hot this summer. And Iam Wondering can I and what plants can I plant or hang inside and outside of coop that will be good for them and help with shade
I live where it will get very hot this summer. And Iam Wondering can I and what plants can I plant or hang inside and outside of coop that will be good for them and help with shade

Not sure what your setup is like, so I don't know if this would work, but I once grew loofah vines on the chicken wire siding of our coop. They grew up and across the roof and all over. I had to rig it so that they couldn't reach the vines through the wire though, otherwise they shredded them). Something like that might work for you, providing a shady arbor, as well as a useful harvest of some sort. Vining zucchini, chayote, beans or other climbing vines...?
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I live where it will get very hot this summer. And Iam Wondering can I and what plants can I plant or hang inside and outside of coop that will be good for them and help with shade
Not sure if you want to grow anything on the inside as they will eat the plant. Outside would be better, but make sure that the plant doesn't all of the sun. Anything like a fern bush would work

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