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"Gemma, they are foals. They can't help you if a two-leg tried to take you... Or if you were attacked by wolves. No more playing with them without mommy." She sighed. "A butterfly is a bug that flies...".

"I'm sorry, momma," she bowed her head guiltily. She had really wanted to impress Layla, to show her that she could learn and play and do everything that the other foals could do. Maybe she couldn't, after all. She yawned again, unable to stop the tiredness closing her eyelids.

Layla frowned, "It's fine. When you wake up, please stay with mommy. I am going to go swimming now, the stream is right there-" Layla motioned to a stream 4 feet away, "Would you like to come?" She asked softly.
"I'm sorry, momma," she bowed her head guiltily. She had really wanted to impress Layla, to show her that she could learn and play and do everything that the other foals could do. Maybe she couldn't, after all. She yawned again, unable to stop the tiredness closing her eyelids.

Layla frowned, "It's fine. When you wake up, please stay with mommy. I am going to go swimming now, the stream is right there-" Layla motioned to a stream 4 feet away, "Would you like to come?" She asked softly.

"Swimming!" Gemma smiled happily. "I would love to! I'll be right . . . right there--" she swayed on the spot, her eyes finally closing. She slept standing up, one foot tilted slightly behind her.

(I've g2g. Cya!
Layla frowned, "It's fine. When you wake up, please stay with mommy. I am going to go swimming now, the stream is right there-" Layla motioned to a stream 4 feet away, "Would you like to come?" She asked softly.

"Swimming!" Gemma smiled happily. "I would love to! I'll be right . . . right there--" she swayed on the spot, her eyes finally closing. She slept standing up, one foot tilted slightly behind her.

(I've g2g. Cya!

Layla gently pushed her on the ground, and let her sleep.

Flip limped away from the group. Something was troubling him. Something evil and ominous...

A strangled horse shriek emanated from the trees and he whinnied shrilly, shoving his elderly, muscly body through the prickly briers and bracken.
Flip darted into the woods, an icy finger clutching his heart. He could hear but not see the horses. Had some invisible denizen of this dark, cold place taken them away?
I can't keep skimming.

I just read the last post, misread a word and EPIC.
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