PLEASE help!! 9 weeks old chick not walking

Second that, oil aspiration actually has worse consequences than water or meds. I would definitely try and take Kathy's advice about gavage tubing.

I've always had such misgivings about amprolium. I have just always felt that you can't take away thiamin, such an important nutrient, without SOME kind of consequence. Now I will really think twice before buying medicated feed. Of course, controlling the Mareks in my flock has gone a long way toward keeping me from having to worry about coccidiosis.
I guess the green BMs in the beginning could have been caused by a lack of eating. Lack of nutrition can really effect the liver- I used to work for a vet and she told me that cats can go into full on liver failure after just a few days without eating. I sure do hope that the vitamin E will help, but will it be effective without selenium?
Second that, oil aspiration actually has worse consequences than water or meds.  I would definitely try and take Kathy's advice about gavage tubing.

I've always had such misgivings about amprolium.  I have just always felt that you can't take away thiamin, such an important nutrient, without SOME kind of consequence.  Now I will really think twice before buying medicated feed.  Of course, controlling the Mareks in my flock has gone a long way toward keeping me from having to worry about coccidiosis.

Most birds tolerate amprolium without any complications. Of course there will always be the exception to the rule. In this situation you are torn between treating and accepting the consequences or letting the coccidia multiply and eventually kill the bird anyway.
Many people don't feed medicated crumble to their chicks, instead they treat when they have an outbreak, that is a personal choice and the cause of much debate.
The incidence of wryneck in the silkie breed seems to be increasing and sometimes I wonder if that could be that most silkie owners treat their birds more like pets than poultry , spoiling them with too many treats and by doing so , unwittingly causing the deficiency .
Then there is the worrying fact that after just 2 weeks of storage the vitamin and minerals listed on the feed bag begin to deteriorate and are adversely effected by humidity and other climate factors.
I now add a multi vitamin with probiotics routinely to the water, it's cheap and easy and gives me peace of mind.
Hi everyone,
I just came back and here is how she looks today :

I made her scrambled egg with a full spoon of olive oil in the morning and gave vitamin water with the syringe.
she hasnt eaten much, I threw a few canned corn to trick her to take more bites.
I will coax her to eat more and give her some yogurt and more vitamin. I have no walmart nearby and couldnt find the coconut oil at Aldi and in a greek market close by. I am looking for it.
There were a few watery poops early in the morning when I left like this:

But the last poop looks more firm. There are still some red parts in it, I am hoping they are just intestinal lining.

I am giving her the below vitamin, do you think it covers the E vitamin and the other things mentioned?

Maybe I forgot to mention that she always was on unmedicated chick starter since day old chick even at my friends house. The only corid she got is starting from 3 weeks old after she came to my house and had the legs issues first at 2 weeks old. She got better with just b complex vitamin but then at 3 weeks old I saw blood in the brooder and started all 6 chicks with corid. She had 4 dozes of about 5 days each since then. Too much for her age right?

I will go reread now all your posts and advice more carefully.
Thank you very very much everyone.
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That product is just what you need. I buy coconut oil from the Asian or Indian grocery shops and have seen it in the health shops since Dr Oz starting endorsing it. Can you take her out in the fresh air for awhile during the day?
She is out in the patio all day. It is shady. I want to take her to the grass area for some sun but I am keeping her totally isolated from areas where the other chicks and chickens are. In fact I am obsessing when handling her. Washing my hands every single time and no one else is allowed to touch her just in case.
I soaked a little piece of bread with coconut milk and she ate most of it. I will keep giving the milk to her.
First I wanted to give the milk with the syringe but it is too creamy looking so I thought it will be easier with the bread
I am not sure......... but since she may be having all of these problems caused by vitamin deficiences, should she be eating food more designed for chickens? Or is it better for her to be eating just whatever she can be enticed with since eating something is better than not eating at all?

I am just curious.......and learning by your journey :)
She is not eating much so I am trying to give what I can.
I got nutrena meatbird crumbles 22% and the coconut oil now and will go try to feed them. I left her the same.
No improvements at all
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I'm sorry your girl isn't getting any better, I don't have any additional advice, just wanted to let you know that I feel for you. Hopefully she will turn a corner soon.

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