PLEASE HELP - Beak deformity and limping


5 Years
Jul 7, 2014
Hello there!

I need help with my chicken whose beak seems to be injured/deformed from probably being pecked on. She also has a limp in one leg but I checked out her leg wnd nothing seems to be wrong.

Please please help me as I don't know how to get her beak to look normal again or fix her limp. All help is appreciated!

Thank you!

She looks olde,r as in not a newly hatch I am assuming she has been/ is eating fine?
Why say she is deformed?
She looks just fine to me.....but what do I know..(not much)
If she is eating and drinking and pooping "normally" I wouldn't worry bout her.
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How long has she been limping?
Do you see anything wrong with the foot - any scab on the bottom, swelling of the hock?
Can she move around fairly well even with a limp?
When was the last time she laid an egg?

Limping can be caused by a number of things. Separate or place her in a wire dog kennel inside the run so she is still with the flock, but she can rest in peace. This will allow you to monitor her more closely to see if she is eating/drinking and see if the limp improves with rest.

Offer her some poultry vitamins in her water and give her normal feed. Give her a little extra protein like egg or tuna as well.

For the beak - if she is eating/drinking fine, then I would leave it alone.
How long has she been limping?
Do you see anything wrong with the foot - any scab on the bottom, swelling of the hock?
Can she move around fairly well even with a limp?
When was the last time she laid an egg?

Limping can be caused by a number of things.  Separate or place her in a wire dog kennel inside the run so she is still with the flock, but she can rest in peace.  This will allow you to monitor her more closely to see if she is eating/drinking and see if the limp improves with rest.

Offer her some poultry vitamins in her water and give her normal feed. Give her a little extra protein like egg or tuna as well.

For the beak - if she is eating/drinking fine, then I would leave it alone.

Thank you for your reply!
When I checked out her leg everything seemed to be normal but she is favoring one foot and limping quite a lot. That's why I am confused what it is.
Do you have any ideas?

Her beak is very thin on the top and she cannot close it all the way because a lot of her beak has thinned down. I can't tell if it's from the others pecking on her or from malnutrition or what.
Oh and she just started limping either today or yesterday. And I don't know the last time she laid an egg since I have 5 other chickens.
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Thank you for your reply!
When I checked out her leg everything seemed to be normal but she is favoring one foot and limping quite a lot. That's why I am confused what it is.
Do you have any ideas?

Her beak is very thin on the top and she cannot close it all the way because a lot of her beak has thinned down. I can't tell if it's from the others pecking on her or from malnutrition or what.
What type of food/treats do you feed?
Is she eating/drinking?
Can you separate her?
What type of food/treats do you feed?
Is she eating/drinking?
Can you separate her?

I'm giving her meal worm treats for extra protein. Tomorrow I will make her a scrambled egg and hopefully she will like yogurt.
Yes I separated her starting this afternoon
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