
In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2015
Ok, so I have 16 chickens that are all 2 months old. They are all thriving, but a couple of days ago i noticed my rooster wasn't acting himself. He started laying down by himself and sleeping all day, occasionally getting up to drink, but he hasn't eaten much. This morning I went to check on them and saw him in the coop laying down by himself again. I was looking at him and he pooped, but there was blood in it. It didn't even look like poop, it was just all red. I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS WRONG AND NEED ADVICE!!!!
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It could. It worked for me once but my chickens were active with bloody stool.
If you have a lethargic bird, it isn't recommended. He needs a good dosing of amprolium which he won't get from medicated feed.

It isn't recommended to give amprolium/corid to birds that are eating medicated feed. So if you were using medicated you would need to adjust the corid dose or better yet, use non-medicated and then you can be more confident in the dose.

To clarify, I've only used medicated feed that one time.
I try to make sure the bedding stays bone dry and feeders full and that does the trick so there isn't a huge coccidia bloom. Coccidia needs a moist environment to complete the life cycle and full feeders limits chickens consuming the oocysts.
Chickens are voracious eaters. If there is no feed available they'll eat anything, which includes bedding. If bedding is moist, there will likely be a lot of coccidia in it.
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NO, switching to medicated feed will not help as the situation currents is. Immediately dose with Corid. Medicated feed is more of a preventative than a treatment. I would treat the entire flock with Corid using the severe outbreak dosage. Immediate treatment is crucial to survival. If corid is not available locally, there are some other medications that will also work but i forget their name off the top of my head. You are treating for coccidiosis.

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