Please help Breed and Gender?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
First time owner brought these yesterday. Please help. Black bird said to be 8 weeks old and the grey 10 weeks old.
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I am worried they are cocks they both have combs, the greys comb is considerably larger and red. The black one is younger but also has a comb but it is a paler. Thank you for you help.
If the age is correct, the grey bird is a rooster and the black may well be also. Bantam cochin hens don't have much comb to speak of even at maturity, definitely not that much comb at 10 weeks.
I have birds just like this, they are Cochins and appear to be roosters. The blue one has a very red comb and my hens have barely any visible comb at all at that age. The black one appears to be developing red wattles which is always a telltale sign for me that they are roosters. The good thing is though, Cochin roosters tend to be very docile and if they grew up together, they typically dont fight very much. It would still be advisable to keep them for a while to know for sure and keep your favorite if they turn out to be roosters for sure. The black one will develop very very shiny and pointy feathers on its back and saddle if it is a male. If it is a female, its feathers will get very round and fluffy. Im almost 100% sure the blue one is a boy,but he is very pretty.
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