Please Help! Chick injured by pecking


Jan 19, 2019
Sanford, FL (near Orlando)
I need advise on what to do :(. My 2 week old Buff Orp chick has been pecked by a 2/3yr old hen (belongs to the neighbor). My chick was closed off with chicken wire but I guess she was too close to the edge and the hen took a shot at her. It looks pretty bad, not sure if it looks worse because the feathers appear to be wet? what can I do? Should I use regular saline wound wash? Do I need to get her check out by a vet or can I manage it at home?

I don't want to lose her, as she is my 2yr old daughter's favorite. She cried for a minute after the strike then settled down when I held her. She seems to be a bit lethargic but other than that doesn't seem to be too distressed. Although, she is pretty mild mannered to begin with. Please help.


Thank you in advance for any tips!
Check for intact skin or open wounds. Isolate on own to protect wound from others pecking. Provide food water with sav a chick electrolytes in it for at least 5 days. Wash wounds with soap and water. If not open can spray blu Kote on it. Wear gloves it makes hands blue. Monitor eating/drinking/stooling. Can always take to vet if unsure of condition to be on safe side.
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Is her head swollen? Please forgive my ignorance, I am new to chickens. This was a picture taken on Jan 22 a little over a week ago if that helps.
It could be the matted down feathers on the neck that are making the head look swollen. I'm not seeing anything else of significance though, just matted chick down that makes the bird look like a naked neck.
Is there anything exposed? I can't tell if the skin was broken or if the feathers were just pulled out. Make sure she stays warm because it's winter and she doesn't have some of her down.

It looks like there is some blood. It's not gushing... I gently pat her neck with a white towel to see if there was any bleeding, the towel came back clean. However, it does looks like some blood just by looking at her neck.

Is regular saline wound was was safe to use on her?

It looks like there is some blood. It's not gushing... I gently pat her neck with a white towel to see if there was any bleeding, the towel came back clean. However, it does looks like some blood just by looking at her neck.

Is regular saline wound was was safe to use on her?

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That’s fine. Can use Neosporin without pain reliever in it on any small wounds if no Blu Kote also.
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