Please help first-timer!! Buff orp hens?


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011

I am feeling really clueless! These are supposed to be five buff orpington hens, about 12 weeks old. But a few days I started hearing crowing sounds at dawn. I thought I must have a roo mixed in, but they really look all the same to me in terms of combs, wattles, tail, size, etc.

Also, they don't look very buff. More yellow.


The link didn't work. You have to post ten times before you post a picture. About your pullets, buffs can be yellow sometimes, and hens can crow, but I think you have a rooster somewhere in there.
I fixed your picture links for you.

They appear to be red sexlink roosters.
I have some beautiful buff orpingtons that were hatched from eggs purchased from hinkjc two years ago. You've got some pretty birds there but they don't look like orps.
Thank you so much for your help!
(Especially for fixing my images).

Looks like we're going to have to start over. Bummer. And my kids love these guys. They're pretty friendly, for roosters.
I hope you can get the Buff Orpingtons next try...they would be very good with the kids...........
Mine are so calm and not afraid of us at all........
Sorry about the roo's
Good Luck

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