PLEASE HELP! Goat with Urinary Calculi!


7 Years
Aug 7, 2012
Okay so he's a 6 month old boer wether. We have him on lemon juice and sugar, mineral oil, and aspirin. He hasn't peed yet, but he's pooped a good bit. His genital area is enlarged and it filling by the hour. We thought of having a vet do the cut of the end of wee wee thing if it would work, but if we can get around it that would be great. He's a meat goat so i cant have surgery done. So, THE QUESTION: Can i use a syringe to empty this area or have a vet do it? Or will this damage him? I need to know ASAP please! Thanks a lot anyone who helps.
I think you need to call a vet and get him seen ASAP.

What is your reasoning that he can't have surgery done because he is meat goat?

One of our 4-H market goats got plugged about 5 weeks ago. We took him to the vet, and they did perform a basic surgery - the same as you described. He had the end of his peni* cut off. He was not expected to survive, but he did, and is great now.

I had been feeding ammonium chloride to all the market wethers prior to his getting plugged, but I wasn't feeding enough. After the plugged incident, I gave them 2 tsp once daily for 2 weeks, and have tapered the dosage down to 3 tsp every 3rd day. They will be on this dosage until slaughter. Everybody is peeing great now!
doing any type of surgery or procedure that you aren't certain how it is done is very dangerous to both you and the animal. If you don't understand the entire aspect of what is going on it is much safer to just call in someone that does know. I'm not trying to be mean because it sounds like you want to help the goat but would you seriously want someone to look at you and say "I'll jab this needle here first since I think this is where the problem is. If that ain't it we'll just jab you over here since you're already in pain and it might help."? Research and consult. Some vet offices are nice enough to tell you what you could do at home before having a vet come out.
I would not drain to area yourself or do the surgery on your own. I understand that money is tight but blockage is an emergency situation and you need to get this taken care of ASAP. Just draining the urine will not save this animal and without knowing the anatomy I would not stick a needle in by yourself. There are a lot of delicate organs in abdominal cavity and you don't want to risk hitting anything.

The best thing you can do for this animal right now is to call a vet.
A treat for weathered goats. In the future..... I've heard of crushed up corn chips, because the salt keeps them drinking water, thus keeping them regular. FYI

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