Please help! Gosling with wry neck (?) Not eating!

I would try B vitamins as with ducklings.  I can see that getting them safely into her is a huge challenge.:hugs   Might you put some B complex in water and dribble that on the end of her bill, see if she'll swallow it?

Thank you. I got it to swallow a few drops of Poly-vi-sol tonight. I hated to do it, but I set her down in the kiddie pool too, as it stimulates her to drink. She took a few sips of water this evening. I'm not sure how much, or if it's enough, but I have very little else but hope right now.

* I don't know why I insist on calling it her. It's likely male. Lol
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You are doing the best you can

Please keep us update and let us know what the vet says. I hope s/he recovers.
Sadly, despite staying up and dosing with Poly-vi-sol every few hours last night, I lost him a couple hours before the vet appt. :(

We're devastated, and it's my daughter's birthday no less.

The seller is going to give me an adult bird to make up for the loss, as all her babies are sold.
Thank you.

I am trying to decide whether my remaining bird is a gander or goose. That way I get the right sex of adult bird. I'm not great at auto sexing yet. Parents are white. What do you all think?


Thank you.

I am trying to decide whether my remaining bird is a gander or goose. That way I get the right sex of adult bird. I'm not great at auto sexing yet. Parents are white. What do you all think?

I don't know one from the another
all I can say is "it" is adorable.

Hopefully @Amiga will be able to give some insight into the gender of you cutie.

I do wish you well!


Not a gosling expert, myself. @Miss Lydia has had some, though....I think....
Not a gosling expert either even though I do have geese. lol

@aduckstolemyheart I see in your sig you have Africans? is this right? if so you will need @jchny2000 or @servpolice for correct sexing.

Embdens and Pilgrims can be sexed easily the others can be a challenge.

Very sorry for your loss

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