Please Help- Hen acting strange


Aug 15, 2015
Hi, I am new to BYC and need help!!

This is the second time my 15 week old hen has had an "episode". The first time I witnessed this was about 3 weekend ago. She pooped, then quickly backed up, squawked and then flopped down on the ground and started breathing heavily with her eyes closed. She remained like this for about 5-10 minutes and then started standing up and walking around. I thought possibly she was spooked my a predator but did it again like 30 minutes later without reason. It was a hot day so I attributed it to dehydration and placed a pail of water in their pen because I suspect they aren't using the nipple water feeder.

The same happened again today... She has poop on her backside and her wing and tail feathers look a little rugged. I added the watering pail with ice to the pen again and both chickens immediately drank from it. Both hens are the same age and have not started laying. The other hen is much larger in size and seems totally healthy.

Does this seem like just dehydration or something else? What are your suggestions?? Please help!!
Not sure what happened, but birds should have access to water at all times. There is the possibility that she has some congenital problem that is made worse by dehydration.
Welcome to BYC!

x2 on Sourland's comment...if they aren't using the nipple waterer, be sure they have access to a water pail. If she continues to act that way, you probably ought to post on the emergency/diseases forum to see if anyone there can help you figure out what's happening. Here's a link to get you there:

Good luck to you and your girl!
She may be having mini strokes from dehydration -NOT GOOD. OR she might be having some type of seizure. The fact that she poos in each instance means she has lost control. It would be good to post in full detail at "emergencies, diseases, injuries, cures," thread. While awaiting response it would be best if you DO NOT go offline. If you do, there is no way you can be reached/helped. Any pm's for you will NOT appear unless you are ONLINE.

In the interim I would keep her in a shady, cool spot with loads of water available. If you have watermelon that is a great prompt to get her to eat and in doing so add some liquid to her diet. Is she eating/drinking, acting normal when these "episodes" are over? Please let us know any updates to her condition.

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