Please help. How do I keep chicks warm with no power.


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
Epping, NH
Looks like my area is gonna have a repeat of the most recent wind storm and I'm anticipating another lengthy power outage starting some time tomorrow, but god willing, hopefully I won't lose power, but, if I do.. how do I keep my chickies warm? A blanket over their box isn't gonna keep it at 90.. Should I consider them dead for sure if the power goes out?
I've heard putting a waterbottle at the bottom of their cage covered with a blanket helps?
Sorry I'm not really experienced with chicks, but I hope they survive
You can fill up milk jugs and drape a towel over the jugs They crawl under the towel and huddle it has worked great for me before. Just make sure water is not to hot. Good luck
Fill up the bottles like the advise above says and put as many as you have the more the easier it will be to keep warm.

If it stays out too long there is always body heat, or if you have a plug converter thingy you could run the heat lamp off the car battery.. through the cigarette lighter.

just a couple thoughts.
You might try filling up a plastic bottle or two with hot water. These would give them some radiant heat for a several hours. Use the hottest water you can get and wrapped the bottles in an old towel. I used this out in my coop this winter on a few nights where it was bitterly cold. You've not seen funny till you've seen a BO snuggled up to a tide bottle.
I have heard of heating rocks ( on woodstove ) & putting themby the coop somehow???
Or their are those heat packs they activate when you open them... hunters use them in their boots
to keep their feet warm... (and me at the Thanksgiving parade

good luck
the hot water bottle sound good - maybe the hand warmers get lots -
do you have a wood stove ? you could put them near it - if you don't have too may maybe keep them in your shirt
sounds funny but might work -
hopefully the power stays on

Good luck !
I had a couple of back-up plans. First thought was put them in the car & run the heat. Then I remembered our camper - crank up the propane heat. Lasts as long as you have propane and battery power (or generator). I also have a costco box of hand warmers. Last resort was to bundle under a blanket with them. Fortunately, our power didn't go out. Hoping for the best for you!

I like the milk jug idea. That will be on my list for next time.

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