Please help! How to incubate turkey eggs?

Farmin Momma

7 Years
Feb 18, 2012
Mill Creek, Wa
Hi, I could really use some help. The coyotes came and took my last turkey hen who was preping a clutch. I did open and check one, they are fertile. Now I have incubated and hatched many chickens but never turkeys. If you could please tell me what I need to know about how to do it. I would just look it up but my darn internet id down and I can only use my stupid ”smart phone” to access this site, which is not easy in any way.
Thank you very much in advance!
Same as a chicken egg, the only difference is that lock down is on day 27/28. Increase humidity with slightly lowered temperature is recommended once in lockdown to help soften the eggs.

(most sites reference day 28 - either I can't count or all mine have pipped on 27)
If they do not peep at 27 or 28 days, don't fret, as like everything in life, that can vary and may take 30 days. Also check your manufacture's recomendations for temp and humidity, since the sensor is in different locations in different incubators!
THey are just like chicken eggs, just a longer time!! TUrn, turn, turn those eggs w ith CLEAN hands if you don't have a turner. Temp MUST be decreased when you raise the humidity. Use wet sponges in a small jar, or similar idea to get RH up to 70. I have also had poults hatch when I have missed their lock down date: no dec temp, no inc humidity. YOu will do fine.

Porters turkeys .com also has a page on hatching.

Good luck. Sorry your hen was grabbed.

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