Please help identify my chickens problem


5 Years
Mar 22, 2015
I don't know what's wrong with her. The bare spot is swollen and I don't think she is being pecked. Her back feathers look strange too
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From the one picture, it looks to me that you might be dealing with maggots or a growth? This isn't her vent? Have you soaked and scrubbed it to see what the flesh looks like? I suggest you soak her rump in a warm salt water betadine or Epsom salts bath, have a very close look to be sure it isn't fly larvae and post updated pictures.
Thanks I will do that in the morning and report back. No it is not her vent
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How old are the chickens? Have you got a rooster? Have you watched to see if any of the chickens are picking feathers? Sometimes they will do this out of boredom, or from too low of protein in the diet, or from over crowding. Roosters may over mate certain favorite hens. Check the skin for evidence of tiny bugs--lice or motes, and their eggs.
I do not have a rooster . I haven't noticed any pecking - this spot , I know it's hard to tell in the photo, is like a swollen bulbous area. I've had pecking issues before and this doesn't look the same on the bare area.

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