please help - listless chick


11 Years
Aug 5, 2008
Wendell, NC
My second lot of baby chicks (first are now 9 months) arrived yesterday from McMurray. RR, Araucanas, Buff Orp, and Barred Rocks. 13 in total. All seemed well yesterday - eating and drinking water with a bit of electrolytes. They are vaccinated, and on non-medicated chick food w/ a sprinkle of grit. Brooder is a dog cage outside, w/ shavings, paper towels, red heat light, draft barrier. That's the background info. This morn, I went in and one buff didn't get up like all the others. I brought her inside - she was listless and opening and closing her mouth. I held her for 3 hours, giving her water with electrolytes and an ever so tiny amount of sugar and yogurt with a dropper. She passed away peacefully in my hands. Now, there is another chick who, although not in the state of the buff, is not looking so hot. Listless and sleepy. I've been dipping her beak and she'll drink when I do that, and she pecked a few crumbs of food, but otherwise she is just standing there. Oh - the first chick that died, when I gave her the water, she immediately pooped out a very runny water like frothy poop. The other chicks' (all of them) look watery, too. I really don't know what to do. I don't want to mess up their little bodies by doing anything wrong. Should I continue the electrolytes? Add anything else? Feed them anything - scrambled egg, oats, yogurt? Help! My head is swimming with reading different posts, and I just don't know what to do. I didn't lose any of my first bunch of chicks, and I'm doing exactly the same things. Also, their butts aren't pasty - I've been checking carefully. Please - I need advice quickly!!
Please! Doesn't anyone have any ideas?
I could really use some help from the experts here.
i would try dampening their starter feed, will make it easier for them to eat, maybe they aren't getting enough? i am sure others would have better suggestions- but try that
I really wish I had some suggestions to offer but I just don't know what can be wrong with your chicks, I wish you all the best for your babies tho.
Maybe you could try sending this to the emergency list, maybe someone there could help!
I wasn't sure which forum to put it in. I decided to bring her inside. I mixed up some warm water with a tiny bit of vanilla yogurt and electrolytes. I'm using a dropper, and she drank 2 mls. Right now she is pecking at the button of my pjs - I'll take this as a good sign.
She pooped, and it was a bit watery, but not frothy like the chick that died. I think I'll keep cuddling her for a while before I put her back. This might be a long night. She is such a sweet little thing - she's a barred rock. And she is chirping now. fingers crossed!!
i would really post it on the emergency board also, and i'd almost want to hold her a long time, maybe get a soft towel she can snuggle in, if she is contagious, you don't want her with the others until you know what is going on
Wow, post it on the emergency board, or call you vet. Ours deals with chickens. When you set up your brooder, did you disinfect it first? you may want to change the litter, and wipe inside down with a water & bleach mixture. I hope everything goes fine with this one. I know it has to be heart breaking. Keep us posted! Good Luck!
I put her in a dishpan (improvision!) with paper towels and food sprinkled on it. She's walking around and chirping - yay! This is the liveliest I've seen her. She stay in my bathroom tonight. I did put another chick with her - I didn't want her to get lonely.
Since you have done this before you know to keep her warm right? I hate to ask since you have done this before but just wanted to be sure you put a light in with her since there are only two of them. Add water too but remember to put rocks in so she won't get wet or drown. I hope she does well for you!
I put a desk lamp with a 40 watt bulb clipped over the pan. I also turned off the ac in the bathroom, and put in a space heater to toast it up a bit. I don't mind the reminder - I've "done chicks" before but have never had a sick one. I'm so hopeful that this one will turn out better than the lil one I lost this morn. I put a tiny bowl of water in there, too. Rocks in it is a great idea - I'll go get some now. Thank you for your help and support!

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