Please help!! Male or female


Nov 18, 2015
Leicestershire, U.K.
He is a 22week ish white booted bantam silkie, one day I think she's a he then I think he's a she.
The black and white bird is definitely male. Can you get a clearer shot of the white one. The feathers aren't silkied and it doesn't have dark skin so it's not a Silkie. Can't see the feathering properly to make a male/female determination. By 22 weeks, both pullets and cockerels have red combs.
Agree, it is not a Silkie, that would have "feathers like fur"--no webs. And Silkies have black skin and combs are "purple"--never red. It is a cockerel, as pullets comb, are very small (also purple) and hidden under the crest. We see few non bearded Silkies in the US any longer.
You have crossbreds, lovely pet bantams. Enjoy them, but if you want the "real deal", go on line, for a Silkie search and locate a breeder, not a poultry jumble sale, and be rewarded with a gorgeous Silkie--pair? Good luck.
Still can't see the feathering possible. You need to get a very crisp photo of the feathers on the back, near the base of the tail; and that can be difficult when photographing a solid white bird. Most males, regardless of breed, will have long, thin, pointed saddle feathers by 16 weeks.
Thanks , yeah the breed of them don't bother me love them just the same and there personalitys are great, just needed to know sex as the black and white in top picture I know is male and the other black and white (polish) so I've been told, but he is also male,

The white one just confuses me, as he cleans the male in the top picture and beds with him at night with no problems lol, yet the other male sleeps in the down stairs part and they have just started to fight :/

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