Please help me! My chicken has a gash on its neck and a few other wounds.It’s not an adult chicken yet. And I can’t take him to the vet what do I do?!

My interpretation of the image is a juvenile naked-neck bird that is in a virtual state of constant molting that somehow injured itself, perhaps on a fence, or was pecked at or feather pulled, until it bled, and then the bloodbath ensued. I agree that they might end up killing it, if it is returned to the flock before a scab forms on that wound.
You can tell this poor thing has really been picked on by other chickens. If you don't keep it separated from the others, they will end up killing it. Looks like its feathers have been plucked too. Sad!
Actually, no, I can't tell that this one has been picked on by others. I am curious how this little got the gashes in the first place though. Thought it looked like wire. What ever it was does need to be addressed but I'm sure OP knows that.

@Chickens4572 what breeds does your flock consist of?
I don’t think he was being picked on.Bit I have this one hen that doesn’t really like him so she would sometimes peck him.But when I saw this I wouldn’t let her. And today I woke up and I heard all my chickens making a ton of noise and so I went to go check on them and I saw him stuck in between a board and fence thing.He was stuck there and I saw his neck open and bleeding but not as much as I thought and that one hen that didn’t like him.Was pecking him and so I ran over to help and freed him.And I don’t really know what kinds of breed they are.There we’re only 2 hens and his mom in the coop with him since there separated into 3 parts so on the left and right there’s more chickens.
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Part of being a good caretaker is making do with what you have at hand to resolve emergencies. If your folks cannot be swayed to purchase first aid items for your birds, then clean the wound, separate the injured bird from the flock, and return the bird to the flock as soon as possible after a scab has formed and bleeding and oozing has ceased. If the time that the bird is separated AND out of sight of the flock is over 2 days, then you'll need to reintroduce the bird to the flock and pecking order fights will take place so that the bird can reestablish a place in the pecking order. Birds forget their 'best buddies' in a matter of days.
I will try and purchase a first aid kit today if o can.
I went to go check on them and I saw him stuck in between a board and fence thing.He was stuck there and I saw his neck open and bleeding
Sounds like he got hung up. You may want to fix that board where he was found. Also look over your setup to see if there's any more places where chickens can get themselves hung up or in trouble. They have a way of doing some odd stuff.

My interpretation of the image is a juvenile naked-neck bird that is in a virtual state of constant molting that somehow injured itself, perhaps on a fence, or was pecked at or feather pulled, until it bled, and then the bloodbath ensued.
Agreed! :goodpost:

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