Please help me save my bird



6 Years
Jun 23, 2017
Minneapolis, MN
Jasper is sick. Something is sickening my whole flock and I still don't know what it is. Necropsy on a chick born sick came back with nothing cultured, negative for MG. 5 birds were swabbed Friday by doctor Porter in pathology from u of m
and I have no results yet

I have been giving her half pill of doxy-tyl for the last 9 days. This morning was her 9th dose and she looks worse than the first day I found her acting dumpy. She showed improvement and looked normal yesterday.

Not eating. Droppings are clear water with no overt smell. Bird sits at drink sipping every 60 seconds. Will not take special food like cooked eggs/cheese

Last weighed a week ago at 533g. Weighs 543g today

Please help. The veterinarian doesn't know what's wrong with my birds and they charge me 385 dollars every time I go. I've spent 3.2k this month in xrays ultrasound necropsy PCR tests doxy injections pills and HPAI test. No answers. This is my favorite bird, I'm crying ugly tears writing this. I can't lose my baby girl

Can anyone help me save her???
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I'm so sorry. You say the entire flock is exhibiting these symptoms?

Not eating. Droppings are clear water with no overt smell. Bird sits at drink sipping every 60 seconds. Will not take special food like cooked eggs/cheese

How many birds in your flock, and how long ago did this start? If nothing is coming up on necroscopy/tests, and continues not to, my mind runs to poisoning or something environmental. I'm really no expert, just thinking out loud so to speak. You'll definitely get better responses soon... Sending positive thoughts to you and your flock!
I'm so sorry. You say the entire flock is exhibiting these symptoms?

How many birds in your flock, and how long ago did this start? If nothing is coming up on necroscopy/tests, and continues not to, my mind runs to poisoning or something environmental. I'm really no expert, just thinking out loud so to speak. You'll definitely get better responses soon... Sending positive thoughts to you and your flock!
She is the fourth one to become ill. 5 have yet to show symptoms.

All birds but jasper were treated at the vet with doxy injections to the breast. First bird looked dumpy tail down head down laboring to breathe. Second bird had a swollen eye socket filled with staph like infection. Third bird presented with sinus draining, bubbles and spit in the mouth, labored breathing, constant swallowing, lethargy
Fourth bird presents no other symptoms besides lethargy, water for stool, no appetite

Bird gets sick, I treat and bird gets better, 3 weeks pass, another bird is sick. Treat, gets better, 3 weeks pass, another bird is sick
I think this is going to be your best bet here.

Is there something preventing you from sending in an adult bird?
Love and attachment

They are pets. They choose me for company. They snuggle in my hands and sit with me. They aren't meat birds or production layers, they're critically endangered bantams imported from Australia

I want to avoid death
Have you been giving probiotics in the water you give them? Since they're on an antibiotic, it may have killed a large portion of their gut flora. You can give probiotics in water at the same time you treat using the doxycycline and tylosan, and for a while after, eventually their guts will repopulate with healthy bacteria, which will help them absorb nutrients from food. There are probiotics without electrolytes and with electrolytes, so you can choose which to give them, but I'd recommend one without electrolytes having a large variety of flora, unless you think they need the electrolytes (electrolytes for too long a time can overdo the sodium and mess them up a bit, but a small amount may help during times of stress).

Also, have you been giving Nutridrench? It's basically molasses water, and provides some sugar and some trace nutrients. It can give them an energy burst and help get them more active and interested in eating, depending on what's wrong with them.

So sorry about your birds being sick. I hope you get results soon so you can help them.
Something is sickening my whole flock

I have been giving her half pill of doxy-tyl for the last 9 days. This morning was her 9th dose and she looks worse than the first day

First bird looked dumpy tail down head down laboring to breathe. Second bird had a swollen eye socket filled with staph like infection. Third bird presented with sinus draining, bubbles and spit in the mouth, labored breathing, constant swallowing, lethargy
Fourth bird presents no other symptoms besides lethargy, water for stool, no appetite
Getting a necropsy on your sickest bird would give you answers.

Is there a reason why you are only giving 1/2 tablet of the DoxyTyl that's only a 1/2 dose?

Any lesions inside the beak or bad odors?

Eyes that are swollen with pus need to be flushed, pus removed and an ointment like Terramycin put into the eye - do this 2X a day. Pus will not dry up on its own.

At 1/2 dose, were you seeing any improvement at all with the ABX? If yes, then get some Tylosin or even some Baytril since they are not going to be used for food and dose each bird to see if they improve.

Not all respiratory diseases are caused by bacteria, some are viruses which have to run their course. Antibiotics can be given to help treat secondary infections.


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