Please help me understand meat eaters not wanting to process a chicken!

ok, just getting here, read page 1- 10, and then ran out've time..

I have not yet, killed our own chickens, I do however drive them to proccers. I watch, I'm hoping to get over it by watching. plus I learn a great deal, by watching. i feel guilty buying meat from the grocer, as I know, it's not treated as well, as mine are.
If I go to McD's again, I feel guilt... Pull one of my chickens out've the freezer I feel pride.. Someday, I hope to do the deed. i was raised, a town girl, so never saw it. Step, by step, I will learn. I've had people offer to show me, I'm not ready yet. But I will keep watching and learning, and hopefuly, I will be ready before my kids ;)
I never intended to put people down for not wanting to process. I really hate doing it. If I could afford to If I could afford the time to drive the 70 miles to the nearest processor and the per bird cost I would. Doing so, with the cost of raising them would make absolutely no sense since I could get organic free range at Whole Paycheck(I mean Whole Foods) for less. That's really the only reason I do it and since so many people around here wanted to learn I decided to do the classes. Plus I got some help and some company in the process.
I've raised chickens and lots of other livestock over my 60+ years.  As an omnivore, I eat meat as I believe all people should.
I'm an organizer of a backyard chicken meetup group.
I also teach classes on backyard poultry.
The majority of people in classes want to learn about processing.
I have taught processing with tremendous turnout. 21 people are braving the ice and snow to help process chickens tomorrow.

All that said, there are people in our group, including other organizers that are extremely put out by this processng session.
I would understand if they were vegetarians but they eat chicken from grocers and at fast food places.
How can adults, that eat chicken be so disturbed about processing humanely raised birds by the label rouge standard, pastured freedom rangers, be so hypocritical that they will leave the event after believing they should attend because they can't wrap their heads around killing a chicken? Yet the same people, knowing how commercial cornish rocks are raised and processed will continue to eat them with impunity.

I don't get it.

I also, am put off by the processing thing. That said, I do raise my own meat birds. I have processed my birds before, just wasn't for us. We dreaded it for weeks,but we also wanted to raise our own. So we found a processor and gave some one elae the job and oppurtunity to make some cash. I dont put anyone down that doesnt want to do it. What i do, is encourage others to do the same.
I agree that people might not WANT to process their own meat that is fine. But at least learn so if and when it does get that bad that they are not one of the people going to starve or rob others because they have NO clue on what to do. I say do it once and or read up on it and watch videos so that if it does come down to that.
That is what I meant by learning how to survive look at gas just 10 years ago I paid 1.19 per gallon and today I paid 3.96 we are not talking 20-30 years just 10 years it is not like our wages are increasing by that much. I am not one to trust others to take care of me.

I also get a kick out of those people with the "Free Range" "Grass fed" organic. I looked into getting certified as that is the new food rage. cost was well over 2000.00 and every year you have to be inspected. Wanna bet my eggs and meat are just as good if not better as it is fresher with out half that cost.
I agree on all these points. Stores are there so people have the luxury to have meat ready for them without having to raise or kill or process livestock. It's convenient. But getting 'down and dirty' is a way to grow as a human being. You're not murdering something, you are doing something on your own.

I also agree this 'organic' stuff is getting way too far out of hand. It's now an expensive label that means nothing.
I also get a kick out of those people with the "Free Range" "Grass fed" organic. I looked into getting certified as that is the new food rage. cost was well over 2000.00 and every year you have to be inspected. Wanna bet my eggs and meat are just as good if not better as it is fresher with out half that cost.
You are so right! We are constantly asked if our eggs are organic, and the answer is a resounding NO. But I'd take my eggs over the organic "free range" ones at the store, any day. We've been trying to use the word "pastured" for our poultry, just to distinguish ourselves from the "cage free" and "free range" eggs at the store. The words "free range" have come to mean exactly nothing in the modern large scale poultry barn.

We sell eggs for $3/dozen and make a tiny profit. For us to go organic, we'd have to charge something like $7/dozen!
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You are so right! We are constantly asked if our eggs are organic, and the answer is a resounding NO. But I'd take my eggs over the organic "free range" ones at the store, any day. We've been trying to use the word "pastured" for our poultry, just to distinguish ourselves from the "cage free" and "free range" eggs at the store. The words "free range" have come to mean exactly nothing in the modern large scale poultry barn. 

We sell eggs for $3/dozen and make a tiny profit. For us to go organic, we'd have to charge something like $7/dozen!

Won't be long and the USDA will claim they own the word "pastured" as well.
I'm thinking that if grocery stores are closed, so will feed stores be. Free Ranging only lasts for so long, especially if your neighbors are stealing your chickens.

With that being said, I'm outta this thread!

that is why I have the right to bare arms, no one is stealing from if it got to that type of point. prepping is not just learning how to grow food and live. it is also defending what you have and trust me I can defend my property and family

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