Please help me understand meat eaters not wanting to process a chicken!

You are so right! We are constantly asked if our eggs are organic, and the answer is a resounding NO. But I'd take my eggs over the organic "free range" ones at the store, any day. We've been trying to use the word "pastured" for our poultry, just to distinguish ourselves from the "cage free" and "free range" eggs at the store. The words "free range" have come to mean exactly nothing in the modern large scale poultry barn.

We sell eggs for $3/dozen and make a tiny profit. For us to go organic, we'd have to charge something like $7/dozen!
I actually did the math and it was on the very high end of egg laying

149.00 for the application Fee
1799.00 for the certification
and 299.00 per year after that plus a 149.00 service fee

First year total was 1948.00 plus labels and new packaging $600.00

Total first year $2,548.00

Ok not including feed or anything other thing at $5.00 a dozen for certified Organic eggs I would have to sell 510 dozen eggs that is 6120 eggs and I would need 20 chickens layign 300 eggs per year to cover that. Not including feed

Funny true story

I have a co-worker that states” I only buy organic groceries. So until your certified I will not buy your eggs” ok no biggie but a week later he was complaining to me that his is going broke. His girlfriend works full time (they live together) and she does not chip in any money. They eat supper 4-5 times a week, he eats breakfast out Monday-Friday and lunch at work as well. So I said to him “So you only eat organic meals 2 times a week?” and then I pointed out the fact that does he think all those fast food meals are by far not organic. You should have seen the look on his face.
I also, am put off by the processing thing. That said, I do raise my own meat birds. I have processed my birds before, just wasn't for us. We dreaded it for weeks,but we also wanted to raise our own. So we found a processor and gave some one elae the job and oppurtunity to make some cash. I dont put anyone down that doesnt want to do it. What i do, is encourage others to do the same.
At least you gave it a try, and now you know how to do it if it ever came down to really needing the skills. you are already a step ahead of most people.

I was thinking of doing some classes this year every type of prepping and homesteading. we will see about that part. I might even try to do some DVD's
Quote: If you do a class, you will get homesteaders coming to it. There are far more folks living in the city, then the country. I have 3 sisters who would NEVER, process their own meats, that said, I understand where they are coming from. If something happens, and civilization does fall, us country folks better, load them up, cause they will be running our way. I live in a community where everyone helps where it is needed. My Amish neighbors will and have taught me lots of things. As far as the DVD, I would stick it on you tube, you will get far more hits there.
So instead of helping your neighbor, you will shoot him?
Well lets put that in perspective. If it ever got that bad like we are stating a end of world or some type of thing like that I will do what is needed to make sure MY family survives. is it my fault he does not have the skills to survive? or do any prepping. My family and friendswith like minds will take care of us. WHY should we take of someone that is trying to rob me??? In my eyes by that person taking food from me is taking food from my family and they will starve.

You see what you are getting 100% wrong is that you think like a modern society. If the crap hits the fan it is more like 200-300 years ago. Rustlers got hung, horse theives got hung do you know why they got hung?? By stealling a horse you could end up killing the guy by leaving him afoot, by stealling the livestock you would be starving that family. It is the mind set you got wrong and that is wrong with people now a days you expect others to do for you. We need to change that way of thinking.

But if that same neighbor came to me and asked. I would help and show him how to survive. Everyone pulls their own weight, if that person could not hunt or kill animals he can chop wood, haul water help with the livestock. that is being productive and is needed.

Give a man a fish you feed him one day, teach him to fish you feed him his whole life.
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You turned the topic but that is ok I am done with you. but then again your screen name explains allot
I didn't turn the topic. Read a few pages back. People were being just plain nasty to others and I simply asked them to be tolerant of others opinions. I have not belittled anyone at all, as you have just done with your reference to my screen name.

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