Please help me understand meat eaters not wanting to process a chicken!

Now I must agree with you with reading his follow up to your question.... but I get his point to a point.

Wow... is it really that outré?

Seems clear as interstellar vacuum to me. Killing (put whatever weasel words you want there) has ethical ramifications regardless of what you are killing. Sometimes those ramifications are slight (e.g. killing a bacterium), sometimes they are substantial (killing a human), sometimes they are gigantic (killing a genus), but the ramifications are always there.

Accepting ramifications and making an informed choice is honest. Trying to evade the responsibility while enjoying the benefits is hypocritical.

This thread began with someone not understanding people who didn't want to process their own meat. We have covered (pretty thouroughly) the various reasons why someone might legitimately want to eat meat but not process that meat themselves. We discussed many cases where that desire is reasonable and rational.

I am now attempting to point out where the actual dividing line between acceptable/understandable and unacceptable/bizarre sits - not between wanting to process or not, but between accepting the responsibility for your actions and not. In a sane world it would go without saying that this is my opinion only, but I'll offer that disclaimer anyway.

Seems as straightforward as anything could possibly me.
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Hungary reminds me of Higgins.
that is why I have the right to bare arms, no one is stealing from if it got to that type of point. prepping is not just learning how to grow food and live. it is also defending what you have and trust me I can defend my property and family

Call me whatever you want, but if this happened to me, I would make it a point to ensure there.were.eggs.there, with a note letting the neighbor know that from this point.on, consider it a gift, and let me know if they need anything.
Anyone who is desperate enough to probably has bigger problems than i, and I think a neighbor means helping them out. Sometimes things are just that bad. People only steal stuff like this when they are too embarrassed to admit they need help.
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Call me whatever you want, but if this happened to me, I would make it a point to ensure there.were.eggs.there, with a note letting the neighbor know that from this point.on, consider it a gift, and let me know if they need anything.
Anyone who is desperate enough to probably has bigger problems than i, and I think a neighbor means helping them out. Sometimes things are just that bad. People only steal stuff like this when they are too embarrassed to admit they need help.
I like your response ctfeathers.
I think in this case they were positing The End of the World as we Know it, a scenario where everyone needs help and if someone steals your chickens you won't be able to replace them, or have any more eggs to give away.

In that scenario I could completely see preemptively sharing eggs with neighbors so they wanted you around and helped protect you out of self interest... but once they started stealing your chickens it probably wouldn't work out well if you gave them your remaining eggs too.

Spifflove... that looks like a before-my-time TV show. :)
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Call me whatever you want, but if this happened to me, I would make it a point to ensure there.were.eggs.there, with a note letting the neighbor know that from this point.on, consider it a gift, and let me know if they need anything.
Anyone who is desperate enough to probably has bigger problems than i, and I think a neighbor means helping them out. Sometimes things are just that bad. People only steal stuff like this when they are too embarrassed to admit they need help.

There might need to to explain this a little bit. I am not talking now. BUT if the crap hit the fan where it threw us back 300-400 years as far as havign to survive. Well that is what I am talking about. Currently I donate to the food pantrys and homeless shelters with my eggs. BUT if things like the movie (the book of Eli) then I am sorry either you make it or you dont.

IF that person came to me man to man that is different you have to see that when things breakdown that person is most likly going to try to kill you and take what you have not just steal a few eggs. I am talking about protecting my family. and that means protecting what they need to eat. Sorry I am not a candy you know what I will pretect my family with my last breath.

you are looking at that statement as if it happened today or tomorrow I am talking about when there are no stores no jobs and when money means nothing. Only barter and what you can hunt, farm, gather. that is what I am talking about

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