Please help me understand meat eaters not wanting to process a chicken!

I can understand people not wanting to know too much about where their food comes from. Personally, I find it hyprocritical, but I understand it.

I also trust myself to raise food humanely more than I do these industrial farms.

Every individual has to do what they think is right. Telling others their beliefs are wrong just causes dissension. Accepting we all have our own thoughts and opinions is the way I try to live.

To each their own.
I don't understand why people have such an issue with this. Why do you care?

This isn't really any different than all the people on this forum who don't know how/can't write forum software. Try explaining complicated software design to most of them and you'll get eyes glazing over and an "I don't care"/"I don't want to know"/etc - you don't see software engineers complaining about it.

People have different needs, wants, and desires, and there's no reason why everyone needs to be comfortable with killing their own food, or writing software.

Why do I care? LOL
Because I think ignorance is a bad thing. Because I hate that when I say that I eat my own chicken people say I am cruel, while I am an assistant-vet and I LOVE animals and I am absolutely NOT cruel.

Ok I work in a computer company that writes software. Bad example.
An industrial meat chicken suffers. They live in a stupidly small cage, they can't walk, they have no quality of life. They get fed antibiotics and hormones that are going into our bodies.

If people don't know about this, they buy those chicken and encourage this kind of market.

If you don't know the code behind the software, at worst you make it crash, you get bad results or you get a virus... BIG DEAL. Not a single living being suffers, no pollution, no health hazard.

Chicken versus softwares.. not a comparable.

I find really stupid and a huge lack of intelligence anyone that makes a conscious decision of ignoring something because they are afraid to know the truth behind it.

And I wish I spoke better english to make that a better sentence.. but it is true.
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Why do I care? LOL
Because I think ignorance is a bad thing. Because I hate that when I say that I eat my own chicken people say I am cruel, while I am an assistant-vet and I LOVE animals and I am absolutely NOT cruel.

Ok I work in a computer company that writes software. Bad example.
An industrial meat chicken suffers. They live in a stupidly small cage, they can't walk, they have no quality of life. They get fed antibiotics and hormones that are going into our bodies.

If people don't know about this, they buy those chicken and encourage this kind of market.

If you don't know the code behind the software, at worst you make it crash, you get bad results or you get a virus... BIG DEAL. Not a single living being suffers, no pollution, no health hazard.

Chicken versus softwares.. not a comparable.

I find really stupid and a huge lack of intelligence anyone that makes a conscious decision of ignoring something because they are afraid to know the truth behind it.

And I wish I spoke better english to make that a better sentence.. but it is true.
A couple of things here - you profess to be doing this because you dislike ignorance, but you're pushing some bad data:

1. There are no chickens in the USA or Canada being fed hormones. It's illegal in both the meat and egg industry, and has been for a very long time.

2. Antibiotics are used very rarely in poultry production in the USA and Canada - and largely to treat problems. Birds are not sold, and eggs are destroyed while the antibiotic is in the system. This is not true of other types of meat (beef particularly), but it's just not a problem in poultry.

3. Almost nobody raises broilers in battery cages - they're raised in large warehouses in floor pens (floor pens that are larger than most people's runs) - they get better results that way. Battery cages are largely for layer birds, and those are starting to go away.

As to software, you missed my point - but if you think bad software doesn't hurt people, I don't know what to say. Bad healthcare software kills people. Bad banking software and eCommerce software leads to breaches and losses of B/Millions of dollars. Bad control software kills people in factories, on machinery, and in cars.

The real point was that people don't need to have a deep understanding of how things are made to use them - eating meat without killing it yourself is no different than using software without writing it yourself. Not everyone needs to be a farmer, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with someone eating meat and being squeemish about killing things. Killing things isn't something everyone should have to do, or think about.
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The reason why people balk at the software example is that we have been (processing and) eating chickens since the beginning of time. Me and others see this hypocrisy as someone rejecting part of their own manhood, their tradition, and an essential part of civilization. It is difficult for me not to think that these people are half grown brats with inferior intellectual skills. I would even question their spiritual reach. Software is like plumbing, some guys are better than others at fixing toilets or writing code. I hope this clarifies the POV.
I know exactly what you are talking about.  People are so far removed from their food source that some don't even realize what happens to get that piece of processed meat into the plastic package. Some of these people freak out on my prepping FaceBook page if the subject gets to processing my mean rooster, or even feeding my hens scrambled eggs from fertilized eggs (cannibalism).  I have no patience with these people who think every animal is a pet and attributes human characteristics to them.  I more respect a vegan who at least lives their convictions.  But don't eat meat killed by someone else and criticize me for being "violent".  Our culture has become too soft and sentimentalizes animals. Yes, this is one of my buttons.  :barnie

Wonderfully put!
Why do we care?  Because we are routinely attacked, maligned and accused of being hard-hearted and cruel because we choose to kill and eat our own animals~ by the very people who contribute to the cruelty of CAFOs by eating commercially raised meat.  Now, if they want to just shut up about how compassionate they are compared to those of us who actually take responsibility towards our food animals, by raising them and killing them humanely, then I would venture to say that no one would have one single problem with them at all. 

I don't think software engineers have the same difficulty.  No one's accusing them of cruelty when they program their own computers.  :rolleyes:

If you're tough enough to slit a chicken's throat, it seems a little odd that you're so sensitive that you let people like that hurt your feelings. You are comfortable with your choices. Isn't that all that matters?
I find really stupid and a huge lack of intelligence anyone that makes a conscious decision of ignoring something because they are afraid to know the truth behind it.

And I wish I spoke better english to make that a better sentence.. but it is true.

When you call other people stupid, funny how it always comes back to bite you.
If you're tough enough to slit a chicken's throat, it seems a little odd that you're so sensitive that you let people like that hurt your feelings. You are comfortable with your choices. Isn't that all that matters?

And there it is again...tough enough to slit a chicken's throat, so one must not have much sensitivity. Such stereotyping and presuming that A. One must have a tough heart and hide if they slit a chicken's throat, and B. That they lack any sensitivity because they can kill an animal.

Does it occur to you at all that one can be both sensitive and compassionate and still take responsibility for their actions in this world enough to work past all that and do the right thing according to their values?

It doesn't hurt my feelings at all, but it does irritate me to deal with hypocritical people who keep presuming I'm some kind of hard hearted and thick skinned person because I can kill and eat an animal, but all the while, by making that statement, imply that they aren't and are just super sensitive and compassionate.... while they eat brutally raised meat. It's not a bit about my "hurt feelings"...I doubt anyone has the power to hurt my feelings over such things, but they can make my butt hugely weary with their ignorant assumptions and hypocritical statements.

It just gets old, that's all, as it does any time you work with or have to associate with irrational people making irrational statements ad nauseum.
I'm very comfortable with my choices...what I'm not comfortable with is the basic untruths in these presumptions that growing and harvesting one's foods at home means one is "insensitive". It's a lie and I just don't much like lying, especially when it impugns my character.
And there it is again...tough enough to slit a chicken's throat, so one must not have much sensitivity. Such stereotyping and presuming that A. One must have a tough heart and hide if they slit a chicken's throat, and B. That they lack any sensitivity because they can kill an animal.

Does it occur to you at all that one can be both sensitive and compassionate and still take responsibility for their actions in this world enough to work past all that and do the right thing according to their values?

It doesn't hurt my feelings at all, but it does irritate me to deal with hypocritical people who keep presuming I'm some kind of hard hearted and thick skinned person because I can kill and eat an animal, but all the while, by making that statement, imply that they aren't and are just super sensitive and compassionate.... while they eat brutally raised meat. It's not a bit about my "hurt feelings"...I doubt anyone has the power to hurt my feelings over such things, but they can make my butt hugely weary with their ignorant assumptions and hypocritical statements.

It just gets old, that's all, as it does any time you work with or have to associate with irrational people making irrational statements ad nauseum.
I'm very comfortable with my choices...what I'm not comfortable with is the basic untruths in these presumptions that growing and harvesting one's foods at home means one is "insensitive". It's a lie and I just don't much like lying, especially when it impugns my character.

Goodness. Sounds exhausting.

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