Please Help me

Guys…, Gojo died. Im pretty devastated and his chick friend is peeping really loud looking for him. This is sad but i hope too see his buddy live on for him. Any suggestions? Like moving him somewhere? Or getting him a new friend? Im gonna bury gojo by a tree and have a little sign for him. Thanks for the help.
I've been in this situation. I ended up raising my last girl to maturity. She was different, the odd one out of the flock, she was much more relatable with, more of pet having been raised in the front porch and used to us.

Sadly I lost her later on, but that's another story. Personally I would see if you can get another chick or two at the local farm store if you have one. Otherwise they grow pretty quickly.

General rule if you can manage it, if you're getting 3 chicks get 5, if you're getting 5 get 7. You just never know what may happen in those beginning stages or even later down the road.

Meyer Hatchery offers additional free chicks with your orders, if you go that route.
So sorry. :hugs

Sad to say chicks nor chickens are going to thrive on corn. They need the chick feed several of us have mentioned. I'm not saying absolutely that's why it died, but they had no nutrients in them that baby chicks need to grow and fight off germs.

I would play the TV/radio nearby which might help. It worked when we've had orphans.
Guys…, Gojo died. Im pretty devastated and his chick friend is peeping really loud looking for him. This is sad but i hope too see his buddy live on for him. Any suggestions? Like moving him somewhere? Or getting him a new friend? Im gonna bury gojo by a tree and have a little sign for him. Thanks for the help.
Sorry for your loss :hugs

You should get some more chicks for the lone chick to be with, if that's possible for you. Chickens are extremely social animals and the chick could get depressed and possibly ill. I would recommend you put a comforting blanket or stuffed animal in there with him if you can, just until you get more chicks. And get some chick feed ASAP.

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