Please help me


7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
Grand junction
I have a hen that is almost a year old. I went out to collect eggs and found her in a nesting box closing her eyes. All her feathers are standing straight up. we lifted her and she has poop and something else stuck to her vent. I don't know what to do. She is breathing strange also. I have never had anything like this happen and there is no vet around here that will see a chicken. She was fine a few hours ago. someone please tell me what to do. i am freaking out
I thought that and put her in the tub. Everything is red and I can't even tell where the vent is. there is white stuff all over down there also
That sounds pretty serious. Can you slowly clean her up in a tub of warm water until you can find her vent? You will probably need to use your feathers to break up any hard buildup of waste .. you can of course use gloves for this. It's hard to know what is going on with her but this is an important step to trying to figure it out.
Is the vent extended completely ? If it is it sounds like prolapse. Birds can recover if helped soon enough. As was mentioned above me here set her in some warm water, clean all you can and wipe away best you can. If you are skiddish or shy about things, don,t be.

You can use your clean hands or if necessary rubber gloves and ever so gently try very slowly to help reinsert and see if she tries to do the same. If you can see or feel that she is trying to help you, continue to do it some more . If she does not react just give her a while in a warm place free of drafts for a while and keep an eye on her. I have had hens survive days with prolapse and they eventually got the strength back to retract their prolapse situation. Some birds don,t make it but keep the chin up.
If I am right and it is prolapse I try to help them out and help them lubricate the prolapse with mineral oil... Very helpful for me. Best of luck..hope she does well... Steve(BunkyB)

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