Please help me!!!!!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 21, 2014
I have a 3 yr old pet turkey she will not stand up or make any talking noises to me this morning. Her mouth is open and she is acting like she can't breathe. I worked her about a month ago I'm scared she's goun to die. Please what is it!!!!!!!!!
I have her on penicillin but she is still no better it really hasn't had time to kick in but it really looks bad. She want even hold her head up!!! I'm just so hurt. I raised her from a baby 4 years ago. I'm dying too!!
I've talked to the vet and they just say they are not familiar enough with turkeys!!!! Well what am I suppose to do?????
Can you see anything in her throat?

Can you listen to her chest for normal breath sounds?

Is she trying to eat or drink?

Has she had any bowel movements?

People need info to help you. Good luck...:(
She is breathing normal but her mouth is staying open but her throat looks clear. She has had bowel movement but she will not get up she is laying in it I have washed her giving her probiotics and electrolytes and she has had penicillin this morning. She acts like she has the hiccups but want even lift her head up. I have to use a stopper to get water in her. I she want even stand up and she want eat.
I can send you a pic of her tell me where to send it and I will be glad too this is terrible!!!
I would agree that we need more information, and I would also try posting on the turkey thread here:
Does she have symptoms of a respiratory infection such as gasping, rattles when breathing, sneezing or cough? Any swelling of the face? Any diarrhea? Is there any mold around to cause a fungal infection? Could she have swallowed something and got it stuck in her throat? What was wrong a month ago?
Could she have eaten something outside the coop where she got botulism? It comes from eating dead fish or animals that have decayed, or from buried vegetation. It causes paralysis of the legs, wings, then neck. Lead poisoning from old paint chips or lead shot in the ground, or moldy food can cause similar symptoms. Have you had any pox going around or canker that could be blocking her airway?

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