Please help. My ducks leg is very swollen

The veterinary literature says to give it once a day or once every two days. The OP chose the start with every two days.

Since the poor thing has been suffering for over a month, I think I'd be more agressive.


Yes, I understand. Veterinarians wife here.

You also need to take into account that the infection probably is widespread and maybe a few days in a row in the beginning may help to get a hold on it.
Just trying to help.
I'll unsubscribe now since you have this well in hand.
Getting ready for an injection in a bit. I understand that i should be more agressive, so i might atart doing 1 a day.
I Also, to make sure this ordeal dosent happen again, i will keep a little bank acount just for the ducks, for supploes, vet etc etc
Yes, I understand. Veterinarians wife here.

You also need to take into account that the infection probably is widespread and maybe a few days in a row in the beginning may help to get a hold on it.
Just trying to help.
I'll unsubscribe now since you have this well in hand.
As the wife of a veterinarian, can you confirm with him that it will be okay to give this every day at 100 mg/kg? That would be so helpful!


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