PLEASE HELP! My first chickens and one is getting sick. Walking funny "Drunkenly", eye closed, nasal


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
Hello, if someone could give me advice I could really use it!

I got my first chickens two Saturdays ago. It turned out that they had mites so I dusted them with Sevin dust and completely cleaned out the coop. I put a little Sevin Dust at the bottom of the coop and covered with Pine Shavings. The next day I dusted them a little with and mixed a little DE into their shavings. I was letting them out during the day (temp 80) and then putting them up in their coop for the night. The last two nights I used a heat lamp on them at night and the last two days I have kept them inside the coop because it was windy outside and I was afraid it would be too cold for them. They are not fully feathered and are about 4 to 6 weeks old.

The youngest chicken (houdan) started getting a runny nose last week, and the other nostril became stopped up. I started using Vetrx in the water this weekend and rubbing it on all of their beaks. I started them on electrolytes yesterday as well. One of my other chickens (polish) has been sneezing and also has a runny nose. She was making a funny breathing sound as well. She sounds a little better today though. However, I just checked on my youngest chicken and she has one eye closed and appears very tired. When she tried to walk it looked like she was drunk. Around her right eye it seems to be a little red and maybe watery. Her right nostril is stopped up as well. I had her drink some electrolyte water and she would drink that, but she wouldn't eat. This chicken Always will eat food out of my hand like crazy. She barely looked at it now.

What should I do? Should I start them on antibiotics? If so, what? Do you think it is respiratory?? I have not given them any medicine since I have had them. Should I put saline solution in her eye? Give her some yogurt?? Please Help!
I would bring the lot back to wherever you got them from. Someone pulled a fast one on you and sold you an infected flock. If you can't return them I would cull the lot.

I took a small dropper and put two drops of sterile isotonic saline solution in my Houdan's right eye that she is keeping closed. She can open it, but she only does for a moment and then closes it again. I was able to get her to eat a mix of feed, yogurt, and honey. She no longer is walking funny, but still seems tired. I got her to drink more electrolyte water as well. I am going to the store tomorrow to see if I can get the chickens some vitamins.

Thank you CMV for the advice. I would never be able to cull a chicken though. I am going to keep trying and hope for the best.
Hoping isn't going to help that flock, but it is your time and money to waste. Tylan is the antibiotic of choice when dealing with respiratory illnesses. I don't know the dosing for chicks.

Good luck with them.
Unfortunately I have bought from backyard breeders and got two infected flocks. I have been told conflicting stories about recovery after illness. My first two died as I didn't know what to do an sounded like yours, not able to see etc. this happens because their sinus blocks up I think and infects the eye. My ones that survived i had to take to a breeder and they had a does of antibiotics and I had to seperate the sick one keep inside with garlic and antibiotics in water. They got well very quick but I check my Chooks every morning and if they look a little off they come inside for a few days til they perk up.
I bought them from breeder that was at a chicken "swap meet" I went to. I didn't really know what things to look for when buying a chicken. I know now to check for mites/lice for one thing! The little Houdan is much perkier today, and she is walking and eating fine. Her eye is halfway open now, but has some drainage. I have still been using the Vetrx on all of them, and I used the saline drops on her right eye again today. I also gave them more yogurt mixed with honey and feed.

The polish that had a funny breathing sound, kind of like "crackles" sounds better today. I did hear her sneeze a couple of times and she is having nasal drainage still.

Does it sound to you like I should start them on an antibiotic? I wanted to stay away from antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, but if they need it I want to give it to them.

Janine989, what does the garlic do?

They are due to be dusted with Sevin again today (10th day since 1st dusting). I am afraid that dusting them would aggravate the respiratory problem (especially since I am keeping them inside the coop). Should I wait?
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