Please help my gasping/wheezing hen


5 Years
Apr 17, 2018
Hi, I have an 8 month old Leghorn who started gasping for breath last night, like she's having an asthma attack. She is wheezing both when she breathes in & out. I was able to look a long ways down her throat & there seems to be no obstruction or swelling/redness. If anyone can help me to help her, I'd be grateful for any advice. Ive had chickens for 3 yrs but never seen this. She looks healthy otherwise- clear eyes & no discharge. None of the other chickens are affected or seem sick in any way.. She's obviously in distress but I have no idea what to do. Our birds give us eggs, but they are pets. Please help, thank you.
Would you be able to upload a video of her to YouTube, and post a link here? Sometimes chickens can have stridor, a wheezing high pitched sound that is caused by something in the airway, possibly mucus, a piece of feed, or a foreign body that has become stuck. Sometimes it passes in a few hours. If not, then the chicken may have a respiratory disease or infection. A video of stridor in a chicken is in post 1 here:

Does your chicken have any nasal drainage, watery eye or eye bubbles, or sneeze/cough? Have you had any other silck recently?
Thank you, I think you were right on the money; when I checked on her late last night, she seemed normal again. Thank goodness, I was so afraid it was going to get worse & she'd suffocate. Is there any way I can prevent this in the future?

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