Please help, need input from foodies or gourmets....


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Clarkesville, GA
So I am currently working on my website plans and it occurs to me to ask you guys for a little help.

I am trying to design a website that is a little different from the current foodie or gourmet websites.

If you could design a site you would love to visit and not every time but would buy from, what would the site look like? What content would you like to see?

Thanks for participating,
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Ummm, anyone? Are you guys there?
Well, I had in mind that we would have blogs about the gardens, our chickens (of course) and our coffeeshop and then have some cooking videos. We would sell the products we use both food and equipment.

Does that help?
I think a really good commercial blog usually has to be primarily about one subject (or at least very closely-related subjects), so I think you might need to consider how to tie those things together under one theme.
My 2 favorite websites are BYC and I love BYC for obvious reasons. PW is a fav b/c she's funny, has a neat relationship with her hubbie that the writes about, is a talented photographer, and seems like a good cook.

Figure out what similar people are doing and identify a gap in their services or knowledge content, then work to provide that.

Good luck!

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