Please help!! Paralyzed turkey


In the Brooder
Jan 5, 2024
I went to let out my 3 turkeys and found the coop covered in feathers and one of my females laying on the ground. At first I thought she was taking a dust bath in the bedding but when I went to pick her up she was stiff and her eye was inflamed. I went straight to give her water with hydrohen and tried to get her to eat. She only ended up eating a very small amount of banana but something is better than nothing, she did drink a lot. I looked her over but other than the skin being a little raw around her face and her seeming hot she looked okay. She is with one male and one other female in that coop. My best guess was the female was bullying her because seems to be more dominant and the male probably tried to forcefully mate her. I don’t know whether this caused the paralyzation or whether she was already paralyzed. It is 80 degrees so being tortured in the heat can explain why she was panting and drank a lot of water. If anyone has any advice or has dealt with this before please let me know I have her separated and cooled off right now.

I will add some pictures of her. Also her poop was watery which I found odd just wanted to put the picture in case it indicates illness.

Sorry about your turkey. Can you see any, broken skin, swelling or green bruising on the entire leg up to the thigh? Does any part of the leg or hip feel tender when you feel it? Could you get your vet to briefly xray the leg? I know that might be possible, but just mentioning it. It sounds like the ruckus with the other 2 and possibly mating may have caused some nerve damage. If she would tolerate a sling chair, that would be a good way to get her upright, keep her cleaner, and place her in front of food and water. It can take 3-5 weeks for a major injury to heal, and it would be unknown if she will gain use of the leg. Is she meant for butchering eventually, a pet, or for breeding? Honestly I know more about chickens, but hopefully some of the turkey people will also respond. The turkey forum (under Forums above, scroll down) would be another good place to copy and paste this post. The picture below is from “Ducks and Clucks” online. Here is a good link for slings and chairs for chickens, but also can be fashioned for turkeys:

Sorry about your turkey. Can you see any, broken skin, swelling or green bruising on the entire leg up to the thigh? Does any part of the leg or hip feel tender when you feel it? Could you get your vet to briefly xray the leg? I know that might be possible, but just mentioning it. It sounds like the ruckus with the other 2 and possibly mating may have caused some nerve damage. If she would tolerate a sling chair, that would be a good way to get her upright, keep her cleaner, and place her in front of food and water. It can take 3-5 weeks for a major injury to heal, and it would be unknown if she will gain use of the leg. Is she meant for butchering eventually, a pet, or for breeding? Honestly I know more about chickens, but hopefully some of the turkey people will also respond. The turkey forum (under Forums above, scroll down) would be another good place to copy and paste this post. The picture below is from “Ducks and Clucks” online. Here is a good link for slings and chairs for chickens, but also can be fashioned for turkeys:

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I just looked her over again and no swelling or bruising from what I can see. I looked through her feathers and found peeled skin underneath one of her wings usually where the males leg slips down during mating. Closer to her breast I saw visible holes from feathers as well. They are just pets but if I need to cull her I can if I see she is suffering. Not my favorite option because I did just learn how to cull my first rooster and it was not fun. Thank you for the sling idea it looks like a great idea plus I can easily hold her up but her whole body weight is still on me so that should work well.

Here are the pictures of what I found which to me indicates the male did something. Their mating is very aggressive and he is large so I can she how confined she may not be able to escape.

I’m afraid for my last female now being left alone with him should I remove her?

Her wounds probably need to have some wound spray or antibiotic ointment applied to them. Does he have spurs that are sharp? Sorry I am inexperienced with turkeys. If so, I would trim them slightly, and dull them with a Dremel or file. I would separate the turkey male, unless he is not being aggressive to the hen. Hopefully others with turkey experience will chime in. I think that @R2elk helps on the turkey forum.
Her wounds probably need to have some wound spray or antibiotic ointment applied to them. Does he have spurs that are sharp? Sorry I am inexperienced with turkeys. If so, I would trim them slightly, and dull them with a Dremel or file. I would separate the turkey male, unless he is not being aggressive to the hen. Hopefully others with turkey experience will chime in. I think that @R2elk helps on the turkey forum.
Thank you for your help I’m going to try to copy this on the turkey form. Today she’s doing okay she layed an egg and I applied vetericyn spray and neosporin to her wounds and her eye because it wasn’t looking great. She was able to stand today with my help, yesterday her feet barely stood flat. With her laying an egg and seeming to be just fine before I definitely think it was the male and by location of her scratches.
Those wounds are from mating. I've seen Tom's just stand on hens, while other hens peck them. I'm guessing that's what happened to yours. If she doesn't get up in a few days she may never. The Tom may of broke her pelvis or caused nerve damage.

I would trim your Tom's nails and spurs to lesson the chance of wounds to the other hen.
Those wounds are from mating. I've seen Tom's just stand on hens, while other hens peck them. I'm guessing that's what happened to yours. If she doesn't get up in a few days she may never. The Tom may of broke her pelvis or caused nerve damage.

I would trim your Tom's nails and spurs to lesson the chance of wounds to the other hen.
Oh my I feel so bad for her 🙁. She still hasn’t gotten up and has barely any appetite. I still just keep caring for her but I’m loosing hope. I feel like near her breast bone is a little abnormal but the skin looks okay and not bruised. Today I’m going to have to force some food in her but I’m getting worried. And I’m honestly just thinking of getting rid of the Tom because now I’m paranoid.
Oh my I feel so bad for her 🙁. She still hasn’t gotten up and has barely any appetite. I still just keep caring for her but I’m loosing hope. I feel like near her breast bone is a little abnormal but the skin looks okay and not bruised. Today I’m going to have to force some food in her but I’m getting worried. And I’m honestly just thinking of getting rid of the Tom because now I’m paranoid.
Tom's can be rough on hens. They are heavy and clumsy and can hurt hens. I've seen hens with the wounds on their sides. It's why we started trimming the spurs and nails which isn't an easy job.

The one time I had a turkey that couldn't get up, mine was a young tom, he never got up again. It depends on how much you want to work with your hen. The sling and time to heal may help, but if it isn't eating than it won't last long.

It's always possible something is going on with it internally and the other two turkeys turned on it. I've seen that happen too. It's an instinct to kill or drive out unwell members.

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