please help sex 3wk old silver laced chicks


In the Brooder
Sep 18, 2015
Sometimes it does. For instance your chick with the reddish comb, at this very early age, would make me think probable cockerel. It's not written in stone but, generally the female doesn't get an enlarged reddened comb till they are approaching laying age. If you wait till they are another 3-5 weeks older, it should be much easier to ID their gender. Then you could also post photos as "what breed or gender is this."
Thanks yall I will post again at a later age. I only have the two silver laced and I wanted a roo and hen so I could breed them. I also have 3 Easter eggars at the same age is it true that the Roos have 3 rows and hens 1 row on the combs on the EEs? Thanks for the help.

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